Citrix Verification Points report
The Citrix Verification Points report shows the status of the verification points in tests.
Summary page
The Summary page displays a line graph representing the percentage of verification points that passed per interval. You set the Statistics sample interval value in the schedule, as a schedule property. Below the graph, the Window Verification Point Summary table lists the following information:
- The percentage of window verification points that passed during the run
- The number of window verification points that were attempted
- The number of window verification points that passed
- The number of window verification points that failed
The Image Synchronization Verification Point Summary table lists the following information:
- The percentage of image synchronization verification points that passed during the run
- The number of image synchronization verification points that were tested
- The number of image synchronization verification points that passed
- The number of image synchronization verification points that failed
Citrix Verification Points page
The Citrix Verification Points page contains tables with verification point details. The Window Verification Points table lists the following information:
- The number of window verification points that passed during the run
- The number of window verification points that failed during the run
- The number of window verification points that caused an error during the run
- The number of window verification points that were inconclusive during the run
- The percentage of window verification points that passed during the run
The Image Synchronization Verification Points table lists the following information:
- The number of image synchronization verification points that passed during the run
- The number of image synchronization verification points that failed during the run
- The number of image synchronization verification points that caused an error during the run
- The number of image synchronization verification points that were inconclusive during the run
- The percentage of image synchronization verification points that passed during the run
Related tasks
Enable Citrix window verification points Verify application behavior Specifying window verification point criteria
Related reference
Citrix Performance report Citrix window details Citrix image synchronization details