Add sources for resource monitoring data


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If you enable resource monitoring, specify the sources of resource monitoring data.

Add a source for resource monitoring data

  1. Open a schedule for editing.

  2. At the bottom of the Resource Monitoring page, click Add.

    You might need to scroll down in the view.

  3. To create a new resource monitoring location, click...

      Create new resource monitoring location

    To add an existing location or to create a resource monitoring location based on an existing location, click...

      Create or add a resource monitoring location from an existing source

  4. Type an IP address or the fully qualified host name.

    This address or host name is for the node to monitor, not the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.

  5. Select from these data sources:

    • IBM DB2 Monitoring
    • IBM Tivoli Monitoring
    • IBM WebSphere PMI Monitoring
    • JBoss Application Server Monitoring
    • Oracle WebLogic Server Monitoring
    • SAP NetWeaver Web Application Server Monitoring
    • UNIX rstatd monitor
    • Windows Performance Monitor

You can select multiple types of data sources, but configure each one separately.

You cannot collect Windows Performance Monitoring data...

To collect Windows Performance Monitoring data, the workbench and the node to monitor must both be running the Windows operating system.

  1. Add IBM DB2 sources
  2. Add IBM Tivoli Monitoring sources
  3. Add IBM WebSphere Performance Monitoring Infrastructure sources
  4. Add JBoss Application Server sources
  5. Add Microsoft Windows Performance Monitor sources
  6. Add Oracle WebLogic Server sources
  7. Add SAP NetWeaver sources
  8. Add UNIX rstatd sources