IBM Rational Functional Tester
Version 8.1.1000
IBM Rational Functional Tester API Reference

Project Version 2.3

Package com.rational.test.ft.script

Interface Summary
IClipboard Defines the set of methods exposed for a clipboard.
IDatastore Provides information concerning a single-test project (formerly called a project) on a particular host system.
IMapPropertyName Defines the default property names used by the TestObjects in the object map so that users can create scripts with direct access to these properties.
IObjectManagerEventListener Used by RationalTestScript for notification of events by the object manager.
IOperatingSystem Enables access to some commonly used operating system commands that are not immediately available from the scripting language.
IOptionCategoryName Contains option category names.
IOptionName Contains definitions of the customization option names.
IScript Enables access to the fundamental abstract properties of a test script, without getting into implementation details of a script.
IScriptDefinition Persists the definition about the artifacts associated with the script as an object that implements this interface when the script is created or updated.
IScriptText Represents an associated object in a script.
ITestObjectMethodState Provides access to the state of a method call on a TestObject.
ITestProject This interface defines the general methods available to a project instance.
RationalTestScriptConstants Constants used by test scripts.

Class Summary
Action Defines values that can be passed to various setState or getState methods of TestObjects that implement ISubitem.
Anchor A container class that indicates whether the inner property set is anchored.
Area Clarifies to the user which area in the image map the HTML area tags are found in.
Button Adds definition to Button.
CaptionText Encapsulates a window caption.
Cell A container class that enforces a semantic definition to a cell in a table or to a grid-type control in the software under test.
Column Container class that enforces a semantic definition to a column in a table or grid-type control in the software under test.
ColumnHeader Clarifies which column header is in the table.
DatapoolScriptSupport Provides methods for accessing rows in a datapool associated with this instance of RationalTestScript.
Date Adds definition to Date.
DelayEvent Represents a low level delay event.This should be generated with the SubitemFactory method delay.
Header Clarifies which header is in the table.
Href A simple container class for an HTML URL attribute associated with a subitem value.
Id Encapsulates a programmatically defined identifier associated with a subitem.
Image Adds definition to a simple String value.
Index Adds definition to a simple int value.
Link Adds definition to a simple String value.
List Represents a sequence of subitems.
Location A container class that adds definition to a subitem within a component.
LowLevelEvent Represents a low level event.
LowLevelKeyEvent Represents a low level key event.
LowLevelMouseEvent Represents a low level mouse event.
MouseModifiers Enables the MouseModifiers to be passed across processes.
Name Adds definition to a programmatic name associated with a subitem value.
Position Adds definition to a simple int value.
ProcessName Encapsulates the process name for processing process name comparisons.
Property Provides access to name/value property pairs.
RationalTestScript Provides a variety of methods that can be used in any script.
Row Enforces a semantic definition to a row in a table or grid-type control in the software under test.
RowHeader Clarifies which row header is in the table.
ScriptCommandFlags This class provides a base set of command flags that may apply to a TestObject based command.
ScriptUtilities Defines utility methods.
Separator Represents separator controls that may appear in menus or toolbar controls.
State Describes the state of a checkbox in the software under test.
Subitem Base class for all subitem objects used in script commands.
SubitemFactory A collection of static methods that create subitems.
Text Adds definition to a simple String value.
TextPosition Adds definition to a simple String value.
ToolTipText Adds definition to a simple String value.
TopLeftHeader Clarifies which column header is in the table.
Value Acts as a common base class for several other Subitem-based classes.
Week Adds definition to Week.
WeekDay Adds definition to WeekDay.
WeightedProperty Defines a standard property name plus a value pair with an additional weight attribute.
WeightedPropertySet Represents a set of recognition properties in encapsulated values.

Exception Summary
AjaxWaitTimeOutException /** Thrown when there are open pending AJAX requests even after predefined attempts RuntimeException.
CurrentBrowserException Thrown when an error occurs while setting the current browser.
CurrentJVMException Thrown when an error occurs when setting the current JVM.
RationalTestScriptException Thrown when a script ends due to an unhandled Exception, RuntimeException, or Throwable (but not an unhandled Error).
RunException Thrown when an error occurs in the run method of RationalTestScript.

Error Summary
RationalTestScriptError Thrown when a script ends due to an unhandled Error.
RationalTestScriptShutdown Generated when there is a hot-key press, which has the effect of shutting down the script playback.