Class FlexDateFieldTestObject
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- IGraphical
public class FlexDateFieldTestObject
- extends FlexComboBaseTestObject
The DateField control is a text field that shows the date with a calendar icon on its right side. When the user clicks anywhere inside the bounding box of the control, a DateChooser control pops up and shows the dates in the month of the current date. If no date is selected, the text field is
blank and the month of the current date is displayed in the DateChooser control.
When the DateChooser control is open, the user can scroll through months and years, and select a date. When a date is selected, the DateChooser
control closes, and the text field shows the selected date.
The user can also type the date in the text field if the editable property of the DateField control is set to true.
Fields inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.TestObject |
ref |
Method Summary |
void |
change(java.lang.String itemName)
Dispatched when a date is selected or changed, and the DateChooser control closes |
void |
scroll(java.lang.String dateScrollDetails)
Dispatched when the month or year changes due to user interaction. |
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.flex.FlexComboBaseTestObject |
close, close, input, inputKeys, inputKeys, open, open, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, selectText, type, type |
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.flex.FlexObjectTestObject |
changeFocus, changeFocus, changeFocus, changeFocus, click, click, click, getAutomationChildAt, invokeProxyWithGuiDelay, invokeProxyWithGuiDelay, performAction, performAction, performAction, performAction, performAction, performAction, performTest, setFocus |
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.GuiTestObject |
canTakeVP, click, click, clickRadio, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, drag, drag, drag, drag, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, ensureObjectIsVisible, getChildAtPoint, getClippedScreenRectangle, getImage, getImage, getScreenPoint, getScreenPoint, getScreenRectangle, getScreenSnapshot, getVisibleArea, hasFocus, hover, hover, hover, hover, isEnabled, isOpaque, isPointInObject, isShowing, mouseMove, mouseMove, nClick, nClickDrag, nClickDragToScreenPoint |
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.TestObject |
compare, compare, compareAndLog, compareAndLog, equals, find, findAndInvoke, getActualData, getChildren, getDescribedObject, getDescribedObjects, getDescriptiveName, getDomain, getField, getIndexer, getIndexer, getIndexers, getMappableChildren, getMappableParent, getMapProperties, getMethods, getNameInScript, getNonValueProperties, getObjectClassName, getObjectCustomClassName, getObjectReference, getOwnedObjects, getOwner, getParent, getProcess, getProperties, getProperty, getPropertyFromMap, getRecognitionProperties, getRecognitionPropertyWeight, getScriptCommandFlags, getStandardProperties, getTestData, getTestDataTypes, getTopMappableParent, getTopParent, hashCode, invoke, invokeProxy, isMappedObject, isSameObject, isScreenTestObject, isTopLevelTestObject, performTest, performTest, performTest, setIndexer, setIndexer, setMapProperties, setProperty, toString, updateTestData, waitForExistence |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
public FlexDateFieldTestObject( mappedObject)
public FlexDateFieldTestObject( mappedObject, TestObject anchor)
public FlexDateFieldTestObject( mappedObject, TestObject anchor, long scriptCommandFlags)
public FlexDateFieldTestObject(com.rational.test.ft.object.TestObjectReference ref)
public FlexDateFieldTestObject(TestObject obj)
public void change(java.lang.String itemName)
- Dispatched when a date is selected or changed, and the DateChooser control closes
- Parameters:
- The new selected date of the CalendarLayout
public void scroll(java.lang.String dateScrollDetails)
- Dispatched when the month or year changes due to user interaction.
- Parameters:
- Provides the details of the scroll activity as month or year scroll