Eclipse Platform Release 3.0 | ||||||||||
Packages that use PartInitException | |
org.eclipse.debug.ui | Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard workbench extension points. |
org.eclipse.search.ui.text | Provides the interface for a default search result page for textual searches. |
org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize | Contains the team synchronization presentation framework and support for the Synchronize View. |
org.eclipse.ui | Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. |
org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor | Support for forms-based multi-page editors. |
org.eclipse.ui.ide | APIs for the IDE-specific portion of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. |
org.eclipse.ui.intro | Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. |
org.eclipse.ui.intro.config | |
org.eclipse.ui.part | Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate with the Eclipse Platform User Interface. |
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor | Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the desktop rules. |
org.eclipse.ui.views.bookmarkexplorer | Provides the standard Bookmarks view which displays bookmarks on resources. |
org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator | Provides the standard Resource Navigator view which presents the tree of resources in the workspace. |
org.eclipse.ui.views.properties | Provides the standard Property Sheet view which displays custom properties of the active workbench part's current selection. |
org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklist | Provides the standard Task List view for displaying tasks and problem annotations on resources. |
Uses of PartInitException in org.eclipse.debug.ui |
Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui that throw PartInitException | |
void | AbstractDebugView.init(IViewSite site,
IMemento memento)
Uses of PartInitException in org.eclipse.search.ui.text |
Methods in org.eclipse.search.ui.text that throw PartInitException | |
protected void | AbstractTextSearchViewPage.showMatch(Match match,
int currentOffset,
int currentLength)
Deprecated. |
protected void | AbstractTextSearchViewPage.showMatch(Match match,
int currentOffset,
int currentLength,
boolean activate)
Opens an editor on the given element and selects the given range of text. |
Uses of PartInitException in org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize |
Methods in org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize that throw PartInitException | |
void | SubscriberParticipant.init(String secondaryId,
IMemento memento)
void | ISynchronizeParticipant.init(String secondaryId,
IMemento memento)
Initializes this participant with the given participant state. |
void | ISynchronizePage.init(ISynchronizePageSite site)
Initialize this page with workbench part that contains the page. |
void | AbstractSynchronizeParticipant.init(String secondaryId,
IMemento memento)
Classes that are persisted must override this method and perform the following initialization. |
Uses of PartInitException in org.eclipse.ui |
Methods in org.eclipse.ui that throw PartInitException | |
IEditorPart | IWorkbenchPage.openEditor(IEditorInput input,
String editorId)
Opens an editor on the given input. |
IEditorPart | IWorkbenchPage.openEditor(IEditorInput input,
String editorId,
boolean activate)
Opens an editor on the given input. |
IViewPart | IWorkbenchPage.showView(String viewId)
Shows the view identified by the given view id in this page and gives it focus. |
IViewPart | IWorkbenchPage.showView(String viewId,
String secondaryId,
int mode)
Shows a view in this page with the given id and secondary id. |
void | IViewPart.init(IViewSite site)
Initializes this view with the given view site. |
void | IViewPart.init(IViewSite site,
IMemento memento)
Initializes this view with the given view site. |
void | IEditorPart.init(IEditorSite site,
IEditorInput input)
Initializes this editor with the given editor site and input. |
Uses of PartInitException in org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor |
Methods in org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor that throw PartInitException | |
void | FormEditor.init(IEditorSite site,
IEditorInput input)
Overrides super to plug in a different selection provider. |
int | FormEditor.addPage(IFormPage page)
Adds the form page to this editor. |
int | FormEditor.addPage(IEditorPart editor,
IEditorInput input)
Adds the complete editor part to the multi-page editor. |
protected void | FormEditor.configurePage(int index,
IFormPage page)
Configures the form page. |
Uses of PartInitException in org.eclipse.ui.ide |
Methods in org.eclipse.ui.ide that throw PartInitException | |
static IEditorPart | IDE.openEditor(IWorkbenchPage page,
IEditorInput input,
String editorId)
Opens an editor on the given object. |
static IEditorPart | IDE.openEditor(IWorkbenchPage page,
IEditorInput input,
String editorId,
boolean activate)
Opens an editor on the given object. |
static IEditorPart | IDE.openEditor(IWorkbenchPage page,
IFile input,
boolean activate)
Opens an editor on the given file resource. |
static IEditorPart | IDE.openEditor(IWorkbenchPage page,
IFile input)
Opens an editor on the given file resource. |
static IEditorPart | IDE.openEditor(IWorkbenchPage page,
IFile input,
String editorId)
Opens an editor on the given file resource. |
static IEditorPart | IDE.openEditor(IWorkbenchPage page,
IFile input,
String editorId,
boolean activate)
Opens an editor on the given file resource. |
static IEditorDescriptor | IDE.getEditorDescriptor(IFile file)
Returns an editor descriptor appropriate for opening the given file resource. |
static IEditorPart | IDE.openEditor(IWorkbenchPage page,
IMarker marker)
Opens an editor on the file resource of the given marker. |
static IEditorPart | IDE.openEditor(IWorkbenchPage page,
IMarker marker,
boolean activate)
Opens an editor on the file resource of the given marker. |
Uses of PartInitException in org.eclipse.ui.intro |
Methods in org.eclipse.ui.intro that throw PartInitException | |
void | IIntroPart.init(IIntroSite site,
IMemento memento)
Initializes this intro part with the given intro site. |
Uses of PartInitException in org.eclipse.ui.intro.config |
Methods in org.eclipse.ui.intro.config that throw PartInitException | |
void | CustomizableIntroPart.init(IIntroSite site,
IMemento memento)
Uses of PartInitException in org.eclipse.ui.part |
Methods in org.eclipse.ui.part that throw PartInitException | |
void | ViewPart.init(IViewSite site)
void | ViewPart.init(IViewSite site,
IMemento memento)
void | PageBookView.init(IViewSite site)
int | MultiPageEditorPart.addPage(IEditorPart editor,
IEditorInput input)
Creates and adds a new page containing the given editor to this multi-page editor. |
void | MultiPageEditorPart.init(IEditorSite site,
IEditorInput input)
The MultiPageEditorPart implementation of this IEditorPart method sets its site to the given site, its input to the given input, and the site's selection provider to a MultiPageSelectionProvider. |
void | MultiEditor.init(IEditorSite site,
IEditorInput input)
void | MultiEditor.init(IEditorSite site,
MultiEditorInput input)
void | IntroPart.init(IIntroSite site,
IMemento memento)
The base implementation of this IIntroPartmethod ignores the memento and initializes the part in a fresh state. |
void | IPageBookViewPage.init(IPageSite site)
Initializes this page with the given page site. |
abstract void | EditorPart.init(IEditorSite site,
IEditorInput input)
void | ViewPart.init(IViewSite site)
void | ViewPart.init(IViewSite site,
IMemento memento)
void | PageBookView.init(IViewSite site)
int | MultiPageEditorPart.addPage(IEditorPart editor,
IEditorInput input)
Creates and adds a new page containing the given editor to this multi-page editor. |
void | MultiPageEditorPart.init(IEditorSite site,
IEditorInput input)
The MultiPageEditorPart implementation of this IEditorPart method sets its site to the given site, its input to the given input, and the site's selection provider to a MultiPageSelectionProvider. |
void | MultiEditor.init(IEditorSite site,
IEditorInput input)
void | MultiEditor.init(IEditorSite site,
MultiEditorInput input)
void | IntroPart.init(IIntroSite site,
IMemento memento)
The base implementation of this IIntroPartmethod ignores the memento and initializes the part in a fresh state. |
void | IPageBookViewPage.init(IPageSite site)
Initializes this page with the given page site. |
abstract void | EditorPart.init(IEditorSite site,
IEditorInput input)
Uses of PartInitException in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor |
Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor that throw PartInitException | |
protected void | AbstractTextEditor.internalInit(IWorkbenchWindow window,
IEditorSite site,
IEditorInput input)
Implements the init method of IEditorPart. |
void | AbstractTextEditor.init(IEditorSite site,
IEditorInput input)
Uses of PartInitException in org.eclipse.ui.views.bookmarkexplorer |
Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.bookmarkexplorer that throw PartInitException | |
void | BookmarkNavigator.init(IViewSite site,
IMemento memento)
Uses of PartInitException in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator |
Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator that throw PartInitException | |
void | ResourceNavigator.init(IViewSite site,
IMemento memento)
Uses of PartInitException in org.eclipse.ui.views.properties |
Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.properties that throw PartInitException | |
void | PropertySheet.init(IViewSite site)
Uses of PartInitException in org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklist |
Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklist that throw PartInitException | |
void | TaskList.init(IViewSite site,
IMemento memento)
Eclipse Platform Release 3.0 | ||||||||||
Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.
Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2004. All rights reserved.