Eclipse JDT Release 3.0 | ||||||||||
Packages that use IVMInstall | |
org.eclipse.jdt.launching | Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse Java launching support. |
Uses of IVMInstall in org.eclipse.jdt.launching |
Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.launching that implement IVMInstall | |
class | AbstractVMInstall
Abstract implementation of a VM install. |
class | VMStandin
An implementation of IVMInstall that is used for manipulating VMs without necessarily committing changes. |
Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.launching that return IVMInstall | |
IVMInstall | VMStandin.convertToRealVM()
If no corresponding 'real' VM exists, create one and populate it from this standin instance. |
static IVMInstall | JavaRuntime.getVMInstall(IJavaProject project)
Returns the VM assigned to build the given Java project. |
static IVMInstall | JavaRuntime.getDefaultVMInstall()
Return the default VM set with setDefaultVM(). |
static IVMInstall | JavaRuntime.getVMFromCompositeId(String idString)
Return the VM corrseponding to the specified composite Id. |
static IVMInstall | JavaRuntime.computeVMInstall(ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
Returns the VM install for the given launch configuration. |
IVMInstall | IVMInstallType.createVMInstall(String id)
Creates a new instance of this VM Install type. |
IVMInstall | IVMInstallType.findVMInstall(String id)
Finds the VM with the given id. |
IVMInstall | IVMInstallType.findVMInstallByName(String name)
Finds the VM with the given name. |
IVMInstall[] | IVMInstallType.getVMInstalls()
Returns all VM instances managed by this VM type. |
IVMInstall | IRuntimeClasspathEntryResolver.resolveVMInstall(IClasspathEntry entry)
Returns a VM install associated with the given classpath entry, or null if none. |
IVMInstall[] | AbstractVMInstallType.getVMInstalls()
IVMInstall | AbstractVMInstallType.findVMInstall(String id)
IVMInstall | AbstractVMInstallType.createVMInstall(String id)
protected abstract IVMInstall | AbstractVMInstallType.doCreateVMInstall(String id)
Subclasses should return a new instance of the appropriate IVMInstall subclass from this method. |
IVMInstall | AbstractVMInstallType.findVMInstallByName(String name)
IVMInstall | AbstractJavaLaunchConfigurationDelegate.getVMInstall(ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
Returns the VM install specified by the given launch configuration, or null if none. |
IVMInstall | AbstractJavaLaunchConfigurationDelegate.verifyVMInstall(ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
Verifies the VM install specified by the given launch configuration exists and returns the VM install. |
Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.launching with parameters of type IVMInstall | |
static void | JavaRuntime.setDefaultVMInstall(IVMInstall vm,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Sets a VM as the system-wide default VM, and notifies registered VM install change listeners of the change. |
static void | JavaRuntime.setDefaultVMInstall(IVMInstall vm,
IProgressMonitor monitor,
boolean savePreference)
Sets a VM as the system-wide default VM, and notifies registered VM install change listeners of the change. |
static String | JavaRuntime.getCompositeIdFromVM(IVMInstall vm)
Returns a String that uniquely identifies the specified VM across all VM types. |
static LibraryLocation[] | JavaRuntime.getLibraryLocations(IVMInstall vm)
Evaluates library locations for a IVMInstall. |
static void | JavaRuntime.fireVMAdded(IVMInstall vm)
Notifies all VM install changed listeners of the VM addition |
static void | JavaRuntime.fireVMRemoved(IVMInstall vm)
Notifies all VM install changed listeners of the VM removal |
void | IVMInstallChangedListener.defaultVMInstallChanged(IVMInstall previous,
IVMInstall current)
Notification that the workspace default VM install has changed. |
void | IVMInstallChangedListener.vmAdded(IVMInstall vm)
Notification that a VM has been created. |
void | IVMInstallChangedListener.vmRemoved(IVMInstall vm)
Notification that a VM has been disposed. |
protected String[] | AbstractVMRunner.combineVmArgs(VMRunnerConfiguration configuration,
IVMInstall vmInstall)
Combines and returns VM arguments specified by the runner configuration, with those specified by the VM install, if any. |
Constructors in org.eclipse.jdt.launching with parameters of type IVMInstall | |
VMStandin(IVMInstall realVM)
Construct a VMStandin instance based on the specified IVMInstall. |
Eclipse JDT Release 3.0 | ||||||||||