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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.0


Uses of Interface

Packages that use IVMInstall
org.eclipse.jdt.launching Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse Java launching support.  

Uses of IVMInstall in org.eclipse.jdt.launching

Classes in org.eclipse.jdt.launching that implement IVMInstall
 class AbstractVMInstall
          Abstract implementation of a VM install.
 class VMStandin
          An implementation of IVMInstall that is used for manipulating VMs without necessarily committing changes.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.launching that return IVMInstall
 IVMInstall VMStandin.convertToRealVM()
          If no corresponding 'real' VM exists, create one and populate it from this standin instance.
static IVMInstall JavaRuntime.getVMInstall(IJavaProject project)
          Returns the VM assigned to build the given Java project.
static IVMInstall JavaRuntime.getDefaultVMInstall()
          Return the default VM set with setDefaultVM().
static IVMInstall JavaRuntime.getVMFromCompositeId(String idString)
          Return the VM corrseponding to the specified composite Id.
static IVMInstall JavaRuntime.computeVMInstall(ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Returns the VM install for the given launch configuration.
 IVMInstall IVMInstallType.createVMInstall(String id)
          Creates a new instance of this VM Install type.
 IVMInstall IVMInstallType.findVMInstall(String id)
          Finds the VM with the given id.
 IVMInstall IVMInstallType.findVMInstallByName(String name)
          Finds the VM with the given name.
 IVMInstall[] IVMInstallType.getVMInstalls()
          Returns all VM instances managed by this VM type.
 IVMInstall IRuntimeClasspathEntryResolver.resolveVMInstall(IClasspathEntry entry)
          Returns a VM install associated with the given classpath entry, or null if none.
 IVMInstall[] AbstractVMInstallType.getVMInstalls()
 IVMInstall AbstractVMInstallType.findVMInstall(String id)
 IVMInstall AbstractVMInstallType.createVMInstall(String id)
protected abstract  IVMInstall AbstractVMInstallType.doCreateVMInstall(String id)
          Subclasses should return a new instance of the appropriate IVMInstall subclass from this method.
 IVMInstall AbstractVMInstallType.findVMInstallByName(String name)
 IVMInstall AbstractJavaLaunchConfigurationDelegate.getVMInstall(ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Returns the VM install specified by the given launch configuration, or null if none.
 IVMInstall AbstractJavaLaunchConfigurationDelegate.verifyVMInstall(ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Verifies the VM install specified by the given launch configuration exists and returns the VM install.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.launching with parameters of type IVMInstall
static void JavaRuntime.setDefaultVMInstall(IVMInstall vm, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets a VM as the system-wide default VM, and notifies registered VM install change listeners of the change.
static void JavaRuntime.setDefaultVMInstall(IVMInstall vm, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean savePreference)
          Sets a VM as the system-wide default VM, and notifies registered VM install change listeners of the change.
static String JavaRuntime.getCompositeIdFromVM(IVMInstall vm)
          Returns a String that uniquely identifies the specified VM across all VM types.
static LibraryLocation[] JavaRuntime.getLibraryLocations(IVMInstall vm)
          Evaluates library locations for a IVMInstall.
static void JavaRuntime.fireVMAdded(IVMInstall vm)
          Notifies all VM install changed listeners of the VM addition
static void JavaRuntime.fireVMRemoved(IVMInstall vm)
          Notifies all VM install changed listeners of the VM removal
 void IVMInstallChangedListener.defaultVMInstallChanged(IVMInstall previous, IVMInstall current)
          Notification that the workspace default VM install has changed.
 void IVMInstallChangedListener.vmAdded(IVMInstall vm)
          Notification that a VM has been created.
 void IVMInstallChangedListener.vmRemoved(IVMInstall vm)
          Notification that a VM has been disposed.
protected  String[] AbstractVMRunner.combineVmArgs(VMRunnerConfiguration configuration, IVMInstall vmInstall)
          Combines and returns VM arguments specified by the runner configuration, with those specified by the VM install, if any.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jdt.launching with parameters of type IVMInstall
VMStandin(IVMInstall realVM)
          Construct a VMStandin instance based on the specified IVMInstall.



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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2004. All Rights Reserved.