Rational Product Updater overview
The Rational Product Updater is a tool that keeps track of all Rational software development products installed on your system and searches for and installs product updates and optional new features.
The Product Updater is installed automatically along with the first Rational software development product that you install. All subsequent Rational software development products that you install are automatically registered with this tool. For these products, you can search for and automatically install the following kinds of updates:
- Product updates, such as fix packs, refresh packs and interim fixes.
- Optional features that provide new functionality.
Any dependencies between updates are automatically enforced. The Product Updater allows you to manage updates to all of your Rational software development products from a single location. It will even update itself.
The Product Updater also enables you to perform these tasks:
- Produce a detailed listing of your installed Rational software development products, including information on what fixes and optional features are installed.
- Create one or more local (proxy) product update sites. so users in your organization do not all need to install updates from the Internet.
Related concepts
Update policy control and policy files
Fix packs and other types of updates
Related tasks
Finding and installing product updates
Changing the update sites preference
Exporting a list of installed Rational software development products
Related reference
Command-line options for the Rational Product Updater tool