seu base profile
The seu base profile has default key assignments and prefix commands that should be familiar to SEU users.
Not all key and mouse-event settings listed below may be available in the environment (workstation configuration, operating system, Java support, enclosing editor application, etc.) in which the editor is running. The set of key and mouse settings in the current editor view may also be extended and modified by the editor application, active document parser, and editor extensions in effect.
Key Settings
The key settings listed below show the key definition (for example, "a-b") and the editor action (for example, "blockMarkCharacter"). For a complete reference of how a key is defined see the keyAction parameter.
a-b Alt+B blockMarkCharacter a-backSpace.secondary Alt+Backspace undo a-c Alt+C blockCopy a-d Alt+D blockDelete a-enter.secondary Alt+Enter processPrefix a-i Alt+I blockLowerCase a-j Alt+J join a-k Alt+K blockUpperCase a-l Alt+L blockMarkElement a-m Alt+M blockMove a-numpadEnter Alt+Numpad Enter processPrefix a-pageDown Alt+Page Down findBlockEnd a-pageUp Alt+Page Up findBlockStart a-q Alt+Q findQuickMark a-r Alt+R blockMarkRectangle a-s Alt+S split a-u Alt+U blockUnmark a-z Alt+Z blockOverlay backSpace Backspace backSpaceInLine c-a Ctrl+A blockMarkAll c-backSpace Ctrl+Backspace deleteLine c-c Ctrl+C copy c-d Ctrl+D duplicateLine c-delete Ctrl+Delete truncate c-down Ctrl+Down scrollDown c-end Ctrl+End bottom c-enter.secondary Ctrl+Enter openLine c-f.secondary Ctrl+F find c-home Ctrl+Home top c-insert.secondary Ctrl+Insert copy c-j Ctrl+J findLastChange c-l Ctrl+L locateLine c-left Ctrl+Left prevWord c-m Ctrl+M match c-n.secondary Ctrl+N findNext c-numpadEnter.secondary Ctrl+Numpad Enter openLine c-p Ctrl+P c-pageDown.secondary Ctrl+Page Down pageRight c-pageUp.secondary Ctrl+Page Up pageLeft c-q Ctrl+Q setQuickMark c-right Ctrl+Right nextWord c-s-end Ctrl+Shift+End blockMarkBottom c-s-f.secondary Ctrl+Shift+F findAndReplace c-s-h Ctrl+Shift+H nullAction c-s-home Ctrl+Shift+Home blockMarkTop c-s-l Ctrl+Shift+L locateSequenceLine c-s-left Ctrl+Shift+Left blockMarkPrevWord c-s-m Ctrl+Shift+M findMatch c-s-n Ctrl+Shift+N compareNext c-s-p Ctrl+Shift+P comparePrevious c-s-pageDown Ctrl+Shift+Page Down blockMarkPageRight c-s-pageUp Ctrl+Shift+Page Up blockMarkPageLeft c-s-r Ctrl+Shift+R compareRefresh c-s-right Ctrl+Shift+Right blockMarkNextWord c-s-u.secondary Ctrl+Shift+U comparePrevious c-s-z.secondary Ctrl+Shift+Z redo c-s Ctrl+S save c-t Ctrl+T scrollTop c-u Ctrl+U findUp c-up Ctrl+Up scrollUp c-v Ctrl+V paste c-w Ctrl+W showAll c-x Ctrl+X cut c-y Ctrl+Y redo c-z Ctrl+Z undo decimal Decimal insertDecimalSeparator delete Delete deleteInLine down Down down end End end enter Enter openLine escape Esc commandLine f1 F1 help f5 F5 restorePrefix f7 F7 pageUp f8 F8 pageDown home Home home insert Insert toggleInsert left Left left numpadEnter Numpad Enter splitLine pageDown.secondary Page Down pageDown pageUp.secondary Page Up pageUp right Right right s-backSpace Shift+Backspace backSpace s-delete.secondary Shift+Delete cut s-down Shift+Down blockMarkDown s-end Shift+End blockMarkEnd s-enter Shift+Enter newLine s-f10 Shift+F10 popupAtCursor s-f2 Shift+F2 find s-f4 Shift+F4 findNext s-f5 Shift+F5 findAndReplace s-f7 Shift+F7 pageLeft s-f8 Shift+F8 pageRight s-home Shift+Home blockMarkHome s-insert.secondary Shift+Insert paste s-left Shift+Left blockMarkLeft s-numpadEnter.secondary Shift+Numpad Enter newLine s-pageDown Shift+Page Down blockMarkPageDown s-pageUp Shift+Page Up blockMarkPageUp s-right Shift+Right blockMarkRight s-tab Shift+Tab prevTabStop s-up Shift+Up blockMarkUp tab Tab insertToTab up Up up a-backSpace.p.secondary Alt+Backspace undo a-d.p Alt+D blockDelete a-enter.p.secondary Alt+Enter processPrefix a-i.p Alt+I blockLowerCase a-k.p Alt+K blockUpperCase a-numpadEnter.p Alt+Numpad Enter processPrefix a-pageDown.p Alt+Page Down findBlockEnd a-pageUp.p Alt+Page Up findBlockStart a-q.p Alt+Q findQuickMark a-u.p Alt+U blockUnmark add.p.secondary Add down backSpace.p Backspace prefixBackSpace c-a.p Ctrl+A blockMarkAll c-backSpace.p Ctrl+Backspace deleteLine c-c.p Ctrl+C nullAction c-d.p Ctrl+D duplicateLine c-delete.p Ctrl+Delete prefixTruncate c-down.p Ctrl+Down scrollDown c-end.p Ctrl+End bottom c-enter.p Ctrl+Enter openLine c-f.p.secondary Ctrl+F find c-home.p Ctrl+Home top c-j.p Ctrl+J findLastChange c-l.p Ctrl+L locateLine c-n.p.secondary Ctrl+N findNext c-numpadEnter.p.secondary Ctrl+Numpad Enter openLine c-p.p Ctrl+P c-pageDown.p.secondary Ctrl+Page Down pageRight c-pageUp.p.secondary Ctrl+Page Up pageLeft c-q.p Ctrl+Q nullAction c-s-f.p.secondary Ctrl+Shift+F findAndReplace c-s-h.p Ctrl+Shift+H nullAction c-s-l.p Ctrl+Shift+L locateSequenceLine c-s-n.p Ctrl+Shift+N compareNext c-s-p.p Ctrl+Shift+P comparePrevious c-s-r.p Ctrl+Shift+R compareRefresh c-s-u.p.secondary Ctrl+Shift+U comparePrevious c-s-z.p.secondary Ctrl+Shift+Z redo c-s.p Ctrl+S save c-t.p Ctrl+T scrollTop c-u.p Ctrl+U findUp c-up.p Ctrl+Up scrollUp c-v.p Ctrl+V nullAction c-w.p Ctrl+W showAll c-x.p Ctrl+X nullAction c-y.p Ctrl+Y redo c-z.p Ctrl+Z undo delete.p Delete prefixDelete down.p Down down end.p End prefixEnd enter.p.secondary Enter processPrefix escape.p Esc commandLine f1.p F1 help f5.p F5 restorePrefix f7.p F7 pageUp f8.p F8 pageDown home.p.secondary Home prefixHome insert.p Insert toggleInsert left.p Left prefixLeft numpadEnter.p.secondary Numpad Enter processPrefix pageDown.p.secondary Page Down pageDown pageUp.p.secondary Page Up pageUp right.p Right prefixRight s-backSpace.p.secondary Shift+Backspace prefixBackSpace s-f10.p Shift+F10 popupAtCursor s-f2.p Shift+F2 find s-f4.p Shift+F4 findNext s-f5.p Shift+F5 findAndReplace s-f7.p Shift+F7 pageLeft s-f8.p Shift+F8 pageRight s-tab.p Shift+Tab prefixHome tab.p Tab home up.p Up up a-d.c Alt+D blockDelete a-i.c Alt+I blockLowerCase a-k.c Alt+K blockUpperCase a-pageDown.c Alt+Page Down findBlockEnd a-pageUp.c Alt+Page Up findBlockStart a-q.c Alt+Q findQuickMark a-u.c Alt+U blockUnmark c-a.c Ctrl+A blockMarkAll c-backSpace.c Ctrl+Backspace deleteLine c-end.c Ctrl+End bottom c-enter.c Ctrl+Enter openLine c-f.c.secondary Ctrl+F find c-home.c Ctrl+Home top c-j.c Ctrl+J findLastChange c-l.c Ctrl+L locateLine c-m.c Ctrl+M match c-n.c.secondary Ctrl+N findNext c-numpadEnter.c.secondary Ctrl+Numpad Enter openLine c-p.c Ctrl+P c-pageDown.c.secondary Ctrl+Page Down pageRight c-pageUp.c.secondary Ctrl+Page Up pageLeft c-s-f.c.secondary Ctrl+Shift+F findAndReplace c-s-l.c Ctrl+Shift+L locateSequenceLine c-s-m.c Ctrl+Shift+M findMatch c-s-n.c Ctrl+Shift+N compareNext c-s-p.c Ctrl+Shift+P comparePrevious c-s-r.c Ctrl+Shift+R compareRefresh c-s-u.c.secondary Ctrl+Shift+U comparePrevious c-s.c Ctrl+S save c-t.c Ctrl+T scrollTop c-u.c Ctrl+U findUp c-w.c Ctrl+W showAll f1.c F1 help f5.c F5 restorePrefix f7.c F7 pageUp f8.c F8 pageDown pageDown.c.secondary Page Down pageDown pageUp.c.secondary Page Up pageUp s-f2.c Shift+F2 find s-f4.c Shift+F4 findNext s-f5.c Shift+F5 findAndReplace s-f7.c Shift+F7 pageLeft s-f8.c Shift+F8 pageRight
Mouse Event Settings
The mouse event settings listed below are divided into mouse event and action pairs. The first string (for example, "1-a-dragged") indicates the mouse event, and the second string indicates the action (for example, "blockMarkToMouse"). For information on how a mouse event is defined refer to the mouseAction parameter.
Prefix Commands
n Enter n in the prefix area to cause the editor to reposition the cursor on the line with the specified line number. n is a positive integer. + Enter + in the prefix area to cause the editor to scroll down one line. +n Enter +n in the prefix area to cause the editor to scroll down n lines. n is a positive integer. - Enter - in the prefix area to cause the editor to scroll up one line. -n Enter -n in the prefix area to cause the editor to scroll up n lines. n is a positive integer. / Enter / in the prefix area to make the specified line the current line. A Enter A in the prefix area to cause the editor to copy or move lines after the specified line. The source lines and the type of operation (move or copy) are determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: C, Cn, CC, CR, CRn, CCR, M, Mn, or MM. An Enter An in the prefix area to cause the editor to copy or move lines after the specified line. The source lines and the type of operation (move or copy) are determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: C, Cn, CC, CR, CRn, CCR, M, Mn, or MM. n copies of the source will be inserted after the specified line. n is a positive integer. B Enter B in the prefix area to cause the editor to copy or move lines before the specified line. The source lines and type of operation (move or copy) are determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: C, Cn, CC, CR, CRn, CCR, M, Mn, or MM. Bn Enter Bn in the prefix area to cause the editor to copy or move lines before the specified line. The source lines and type of operation (move or copy) are determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: C, Cn, CC, CR, CRn, CCR, M, Mn, or MM. n copies of the source will be inserted before the specified line. n is a positive integer. C Enter C in the prefix area to indicate that the specified line is to be the source for a copy operation. The target location for the copy is determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: A, An, B, Bn, O, On, or OO. Cn Enter Cn in the prefix area to indicate that the specified line and the following n - 1 visible lines are to be the source for a copy operation. n is a positive integer. The target location for the copy is determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: A, An, B, Bn, O, On, or OO. CC Enter CC in the prefix area of two different lines in the document. The CC commands will delimit the source for a copy operation. Only visible lines are included in the source. The target location for the copy is determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: A, An, B, Bn, O, On, or OO. CCR Enter CCR in the prefix area of two different lines in the document. The CCR commands will delimit the source for a copy operation. Only visible lines are included in the source. The target location for the copy is determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: A, An, B, Bn, O, On, or OO. After the copy operation has been completed, the CCR commands are not cleared from the prefix area. They are retained to allow you to specify another target. CR Enter CR in the prefix area to indicate that the specified line is to be the source for a copy operation. The target location for the copy is determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: A, An, B, Bn, O, On, or OO. After the copy operation has been completed, the CR command is not cleared from the prefix area. It is retained to allow you to specify another target. CRn Enter CRn in the prefix area to indicate that the specified line and the following n - 1 visible lines are to be the source for a copy operation. n is a positive integer. The target location for the copy is determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: A, An, B, Bn, O, On, or OO. After the copy operation has been completed, the CRn command is not cleared from the prefix area. It is retained to allow you to specify another target. D Enter D in the prefix area to cause the editor to delete the specified line. Dn Enter Dn in the prefix area to cause the editor to delete the specified line and the following n - 1 visible lines. DD Enter DD in the prefix area of two different lines in the document to delimit a block of text that you want deleted. Only the visible lines will be deleted. I Enter I in the prefix area to cause the editor to insert a new line after the specified line. In Enter In in the prefix area to cause the editor to insert n new lines after the specified line. n is a positive integer. IS Enter IS in the prefix area to cause the editor to insert the skeleton line after the specified line. The skeleton line is specified with the S command. ISn Enter ISn in the prefix area to cause the editor to insert n copies of the skeleton line after the specified line. The skeleton line is specified with the S command. L Enter L in the prefix area to cause the editor to shift the specified line one character to the left. If there is not at least one blank at the start of the line, nothing is done. Ln Enter Ln in the prefix area to cause the editor to shift the specified line n characters to the left. If there is are less than n spaces at the start of the line, only the spaces are deleted. LL Enter LL in the prefix area of two different lines in the document to delimit a block of text that you want to shift one character to the left. Only the visible lines will be shifted. Lines that do not have at least one space at the start of the line will be unaffected. LLn Enter LLn in the prefix area of two different lines in the document to delimit a block of text that you want to shift n characters to the left. Only the visible lines will be shifted. Lines that have less than n spaces at the start of the line will only have those spaces deleted. LLP Enter LLP in the prefix area of two different lines in the document to delimit a block of text that you want to print. Only the visible lines will be printed. LLT Enter LLT in the prefix area of two different lines in the document to delimit a block of text that you want to shift one character to the left. Only the visible lines will be shifted. LLTn Enter LLTn in the prefix area of two different lines in the document to delimit a block of text that you want to shift n characters to the left. Only the visible lines will be shifted. LP Enter LP in the prefix area to cause the editor to print the specified line. LPn Enter LPn in the prefix area to cause the editor to print the specified line and the following n - 1 visible lines. LT Enter LT in the prefix area to cause the editor to shift the specified line one character to the left. LTn Enter LTn in the prefix area to cause the editor to shift the specified line n characters to the left. M Enter M in the prefix area to indicate that the specified line is to be the source for a move operation. The target location for the move is determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: A, An, B, Bn, O, On, or OO. Mn Enter Mn in the prefix area to indicate that the specified line and the following n - 1 visible lines are to be the source for a move operation. n is a positive integer. The target location for the move is determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: A, An, B, Bn, O, On, or OO. MM Enter MM in the prefix area of two different lines in the document. The MM commands will delimit the source for a move operation. Only visible lines are included in the source. The target location for the move is determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: A, An, B, Bn, O, On, or OO. O Enter O in the prefix area to cause the editor to overlay the specified line. The source lines and the type of operation (move or copy) are determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: C, Cn, CC, CR, CRn, CCR, M, Mn, or MM. On Enter On in the prefix area to cause the editor to overlay the specified line and the following n - 1 visible lines. The source lines and the type of operation (move or copy) are determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: C, Cn, CC, CR, CRn, CCR, M, Mn, or MM. OO Enter OO in the prefix area of two different lines in the document. The OO commands will delimit the overlay target for a move or copy operation. Only the visible lines will be overlaid. The source lines and the type of operation (move or copy) are determined by the first occurrence of one of the following commands: C, Cn, CC, CR, CRn, CCR, M, Mn, or MM. R Enter R in the prefix area to cause the editor to shift the specified line one character to the right. If the line cannot be shifted without truncating a non blank character, nothing is done. Rn Enter Rn in the prefix area to cause the editor to shift the specified line n characters to the right. If the line cannot be shifted n characters without truncating a non blank character, the line will only be shifted as far to the right as it can be without truncating a non blank character. RP Enter RP in the prefix area to cause the editor to duplicate the specified line. RPn Enter RPn in the prefix area to cause the editor to duplicate the specified line n times. RPP Enter RPP in the prefix area of two different lines in the document. The RPP commands will delimit a block of text that you want duplicated. Only the visible lines will be duplicated. RPPn Enter RPPn in the prefix area of two different lines in the document. The RPPn commands will delimit a block of text that you want duplicated n times. Only the visible lines will be duplicated. RR Enter RR in the prefix area of two different lines in the document to delimit a block of text that you want to shift one character to the right. Only the visible lines will be shifted. Lines that cannot be shifted without truncating a non blank character will be unaffected. RRn Enter RRn in the prefix area of two different lines in the document to delimit a block of text that you want to shift n characters to the right. Only the visible lines will be shifted. Lines that cannot be shifted without truncating a non blank character will only be shifted as far to the right as they can be without truncating a non blank character. RRT Enter RRT in the prefix area of two different lines in the document to delimit a block of text that you want to shift one character to the right. Only the visible lines will be shifted. RRTn Enter RRTn in the prefix area of two different lines in the document to delimit a block of text that you want to shift n characters to the right. Only the visible lines will be shifted. RT Enter RT in the prefix area to cause the editor to shift the specified line one character to the right. RTn Enter RTn in the prefix area to cause the editor to shift the specified line n characters to the right. S Enter S in the prefix area to cause the specified line to be saved as the skeleton line. The skeleton line is used by the IS and ISn commands. SF Enter SF in the prefix area of an excluded block header to show the first line in the excluded block. Lines can be excluded with the X, Xn and XX commands. SFn Enter SFn in the prefix area of an excluded block header to show the first n lines in the excluded block. Lines can be excluded with the X, Xn and XX commands. SL Enter SL in the prefix area of an excluded block header to show the last line in the excluded block. Lines can be excluded with the X, Xn and XX commands. SLn Enter SLn in the prefix area of an excluded block header to show the last n lines in the excluded block. Lines can be excluded with the X, Xn and XX commands. W Enter W in the prefix area to cause the editor to scroll the text area so that column 1 is visible. Wn Enter Wn in the prefix area to cause the editor to scroll the text area so that column n is the first visible column on the left. X Enter X in the prefix area to cause the editor to exclude the specified line. The line can be reshown with the SF, SFn, SL, or SLn commands. Xn Enter Xn in the prefix area to cause the editor to exclude the specified line and the following n - 1 visible lines. The lines can be reshown with the SF, SFn, SL, or SLn commands. XX Enter XX in the prefix area of two different lines in the document to delimit a block of text that you want to exclude. The lines can be reshown with the SF, SFn, SL, or SLn commands.
Editor commands, actions, and parameters
Editor profiles
Default editor commands
processPrefix command
Editor parameters
keyAction parameter
mouseAction parameter