Default editor commands

The editor is fully programmable through the use of an extensive set of editor commands, actions, and parameters.  You can use commands and parameters to customize the editor window, search for or change text in your document, or perform many other functions.

Commands may be issued from the editor command line, or run programatically in editor extensions.

Select a command from the list below to display reference information for that command.

Command Name Description

action Runs an editor action.
add Adds one or more blank lines.
block Sets or manipulates a block of text.
calc Performs simple calculations.
compare Examines two documents for differences in their content.
delete Deletes one or more lines.
deleteText Deletes text at the current cursor position.
expandAll Brings hidden lines back into view.
findText Finds and optionally replaces text in the document.
get Imports a file into the document.
help Displays help information on a requested editor topic.
input Gets user input to use with an editor command.
insert Inserts a new line.
insertShow Inserts a new show element into the document view.
insertText Inserts text at the current cursor position.
load Loads or reloads a file.
locate Moves the cursor to a specified element, line, mark, sequence number, or sequence text.
parse Triggers the document parser.
print Prints the document.
processPrefix Processes prefix commands in the prefix area.
query Returns the setting of an editor parameter.
replaceText Replaces text at the current cursor position.
resequence Resequences sequence numbers in the document.
save Saves the contents of the document into a file.
saveAsHtml Saves the contents of the document into an HTML file.
screenShow Forces document views to be refreshed.
set Assigns a value to an editor parameter.
sort Sorts text elements in the document.
undo Used to undo or redo one or more sets of document changes.
updateProfile Updates selected editor parameters as they apply to a document view.

In addition, the following short commands can be issued from the editor command line:

Short command Description

/text Find the next occurrence of the specified text.
-/text Find the specified text searching backwards from the current position.
'text Find the next occurrence of the specified text.  The search is a case-sensitive search.
-'text Find the specified text searching backwards from the current position.  The search is a case-sensitive search.
:lineNumber Locate the specified line.  lineNumber must be a positive integer.
lineNumber Locate the specified line.  lineNumber must be a positive integer.
?topic Request help on an editor topic.  This is equivalent to entering help topic.

Related tasks
Issuing editor commands

Related reference
Editor commands, actions, and parameters