epm base profile

The epm base profile has default key assignments that should be familiar to EPM users.

Not all key and mouse-event settings listed below may be available in the environment (workstation configuration, operating system, Java support, enclosing editor application, etc.) in which the editor is running.  The set of key and mouse settings in the current editor view may also be extended and modified by the editor application, active document parser, and editor extensions in effect.


Key Settings

The key settings listed below show the key definition (for example, "a-b") and the editor action (for example, "blockMarkRectangle").  For a complete reference of how a key is defined see the keyAction parameter.

a-b Alt+B blockMarkRectangle
a-backSpace.secondary Alt+Backspace undo
a-c Alt+C blockCopy
a-d Alt+D blockDelete
a-e Alt+E findBlockEnd
a-enter.secondary Alt+Enter splitLine
a-f Alt+F blockFill
a-i.secondary Alt+I blockLowerCase
a-j Alt+J join
a-k.secondary Alt+K blockUpperCase
a-l Alt+L blockMarkElement
a-m Alt+M blockMove
a-n Alt+N insertFileName
a-numpadEnter.secondary Alt+Numpad Enter splitLine
a-pageDown.secondary Alt+Page Down findBlockEnd
a-pageUp.secondary Alt+Page Up findBlockStart
a-q Alt+Q findQuickMark
a-r.secondary Alt+R blockMarkRectangle
a-s Alt+S split
a-u Alt+U blockUnmark
a-w Alt+W blockMarkWord
a-y Alt+Y findBlockStart
a-z Alt+Z blockMarkCharacter
backSpace Backspace backSpace
c-0 Ctrl+0 insertRightBrace
c-6 Ctrl+6 insertNot
c-9 Ctrl+9 insertLeftBrace
c-a Ctrl+A blockMarkAll
c-b Ctrl+B findMark
c-backSpace.secondary Ctrl+Backspace deleteLine
c-c Ctrl+C copy
c-d Ctrl+D deleteNextWord
c-delete.secondary Ctrl+Delete truncate
c-down Ctrl+Down scrollDown
c-e Ctrl+E truncate
c-end Ctrl+End bottom
c-enter.secondary Ctrl+Enter splitLine
c-f Ctrl+F findNext
c-f1 Ctrl+F1 upperCaseWord
c-f2 Ctrl+F2 lowerCaseWord
c-f3 Ctrl+F3 blockUpperCase
c-f4 Ctrl+F4 blockLowerCase
c-f5 Ctrl+F5 wordStart
c-f6 Ctrl+F6 wordEnd
c-f7 Ctrl+F7 blockShiftLeft
c-f8 Ctrl+F8 blockShiftRight
c-home Ctrl+Home top
c-i Ctrl+I commandLine
c-insert.secondary Ctrl+Insert copy
c-j Ctrl+J findLastChange
c-k Ctrl+K duplicateLine
c-l Ctrl+L execCommand
c-left Ctrl+Left prevWord
c-m Ctrl+M nameMark
c-n.secondary Ctrl+N findNext
c-numpadEnter.secondary Ctrl+Numpad Enter splitLine
c-p Ctrl+P print
c-pageDown.secondary Ctrl+Page Down pageRight
c-pageUp.secondary Ctrl+Page Up pageLeft
c-q Ctrl+Q setQuickMark
c-r Ctrl+R toggleKeyRecording
c-right Ctrl+Right nextWord
c-s-backSpace Ctrl+Shift+Backspace deleteLine
c-s-end Ctrl+Shift+End blockMarkBottom
c-s-f Ctrl+Shift+F findAndReplace
c-s-h Ctrl+Shift+H nullAction
c-s-home Ctrl+Shift+Home blockMarkTop
c-s-l Ctrl+Shift+L locateSequenceLine
c-s-left Ctrl+Shift+Left blockMarkPrevWord
c-s-m Ctrl+Shift+M findMatch
c-s-n Ctrl+Shift+N compareNext
c-s-p Ctrl+Shift+P comparePrevious
c-s-pageDown Ctrl+Shift+Page Down blockMarkPageRight
c-s-pageUp Ctrl+Shift+Page Up blockMarkPageLeft
c-s-r Ctrl+Shift+R compareRefresh
c-s-right Ctrl+Shift+Right blockMarkNextWord
c-s-u.secondary Ctrl+Shift+U comparePrevious
c-s-z.secondary Ctrl+Shift+Z redo
c-s Ctrl+S find
c-t Ctrl+T keyRecorderPlay
c-tab Ctrl+Tab insertTab
c-u.secondary Ctrl+U undo
c-up Ctrl+Up scrollUp
c-v Ctrl+V paste
c-w Ctrl+W showAll
c-x Ctrl+X cut
c-y Ctrl+Y redo
c-z.secondary Ctrl+Z undo
decimal Decimal insertDecimalSeparator
delete Delete delete
down Down down
end End end
enter Enter splitLine
escape.secondary Esc commandLine
f1 F1 help
f2 F2 save
f3 F3 rename
f7.secondary F7 blockShiftLeft
f8.secondary F8 blockShiftRight
f9 F9 undo
home Home home
insert Insert toggleInsert
left Left left
numpadEnter.secondary Numpad Enter splitLine
pageDown.secondary Page Down pageDown
pageUp.secondary Page Up pageUp
right Right right
s-backSpace.secondary Shift+Backspace backSpace
s-delete.secondary Shift+Delete cut
s-down Shift+Down blockMarkDown
s-end Shift+End blockMarkEnd
s-enter.secondary Shift+Enter splitLine
s-f1 Shift+F1 pageLeft
s-f10 Shift+F10 popupAtCursor
s-f2 Shift+F2 pageRight
s-f3 Shift+F3 pageUp
s-f4 Shift+F4 pageDown
s-home Shift+Home blockMarkHome
s-insert.secondary Shift+Insert paste
s-left Shift+Left blockMarkLeft
s-numpadEnter.secondary Shift+Numpad Enter splitLine
s-pageDown Shift+Page Down blockMarkPageDown
s-pageUp Shift+Page Up blockMarkPageUp
s-right Shift+Right blockMarkRight
s-tab Shift+Tab prevTabStop
s-up Shift+Up blockMarkUp
tab Tab insertToTab
up Up up
a-d.c Alt+D blockDelete
a-e.c Alt+E findBlockEnd
a-f.c Alt+F blockFill
a-i.c.secondary Alt+I blockLowerCase
a-k.c.secondary Alt+K blockUpperCase
a-pageDown.c.secondary Alt+Page Down findBlockEnd
a-pageUp.c.secondary Alt+Page Up findBlockStart
a-q.c Alt+Q findQuickMark
a-u.c Alt+U blockUnmark
a-y.c Alt+Y findBlockStart
c-a.c Ctrl+A blockMarkAll
c-b.c Ctrl+B findMark
c-backSpace.c Ctrl+Backspace deleteLine
c-end.c Ctrl+End bottom
c-enter.c Ctrl+Enter openLine
c-f.c Ctrl+F findNext
c-f3.c Ctrl+F3 blockUpperCase
c-f4.c Ctrl+F4 blockLowerCase
c-home.c Ctrl+Home top
c-j.c Ctrl+J findLastChange
c-l.c Ctrl+L locateLine
c-m.c Ctrl+M match
c-n.c.secondary Ctrl+N findNext
c-numpadEnter.c.secondary Ctrl+Numpad Enter openLine
c-p.c Ctrl+P print
c-pageDown.c.secondary Ctrl+Page Down pageRight
c-pageUp.c.secondary Ctrl+Page Up pageLeft
c-r.c Ctrl+R toggleKeyRecording
c-s-f.c Ctrl+Shift+F findAndReplace
c-s-l.c Ctrl+Shift+L locateSequenceLine
c-s-m.c Ctrl+Shift+M findMatch
c-s-n.c Ctrl+Shift+N compareNext
c-s-p.c Ctrl+Shift+P comparePrevious
c-s-r.c Ctrl+Shift+R compareRefresh
c-s-u.c.secondary Ctrl+Shift+U comparePrevious
c-s.c Ctrl+S find
c-t.c Ctrl+T keyRecorderPlay
c-u.c Ctrl+U findUp
c-w.c Ctrl+W showAll
f1.c F1 help
f2.c F2 save
f3.c F3 rename
f7.c F7 blockShiftLeft
f8.c F8 blockShiftRight
f9.c F9 undo
pageDown.c.secondary Page Down pageDown
pageUp.c.secondary Page Up pageUp
s-f1.c Shift+F1 pageLeft
s-f2.c Shift+F2 pageRight
s-f3.c Shift+F3 pageUp
s-f4.c Shift+F4 pageDown


Mouse Event Settings

The mouse event settings listed below are divided into mouse event and action pairs.  The first string (for example, "1-a-dragged") indicates the mouse event, and the second string indicates the action (for example, "blockMarkToMouse").  For information on how a mouse event is defined refer to the mouseAction parameter.

1-a-dragged blockMarkToMouse
1-a-pressed.1 cursorToMouse
1-a-pressed.2 blockMarkRectangleAtMouse
1-c-a-pressed.1 blockUnmark
1-c-a-s-pressed.1 blockUnmark
1-c-dragged blockMarkToMouse
1-c-pressed.1 cursorToMouse
1-c-pressed.2 blockMarkElementAtMouse
1-c-s-pressed.1 expandHideAtMouse
1-dragged blockMarkToMouse
1-pressed.1 cursorToMouse
1-pressed.2 blockMarkWordAtMouse
1-s-dragged blockMarkToMouse
1-s-pressed.1 blockMarkToMouse
2-c-s-pressed.1 expandHideAtMouse
3-c-s-pressed.1 expandHideAtMouse
3-pressed.1 popupAtMouse
a-dragged blockMarkToMouse
a-pressed.1 cursorToMouse
a-pressed.2 blockMarkRectangleAtMouse
c-a-pressed.1 blockUnmark
c-a-s-pressed.1 blockUnmark
c-dragged blockMarkToMouse
c-pressed.1 cursorToMouse
c-pressed.2 blockMarkElementAtMouse
dragged blockMarkToMouse
pressed.1 cursorToMouse
pressed.2 blockMarkWordAtMouse
s-dragged blockMarkToMouse
s-pressed.1 blockMarkToMouse
1-a-dragged.p blockMarkToMouse
1-a-pressed.1.p cursorToMouse
1-a-pressed.2.p blockMarkRectangleAtMouse
1-c-a-pressed.1.p blockUnmark
1-c-a-s-pressed.1.p blockUnmark
1-c-dragged.p blockMarkToMouse
1-c-pressed.1.p cursorToMouse
1-c-pressed.2.p blockMarkElementAtMouse
1-c-s-pressed.1.p expandHideAtMouse
1-dragged.p blockMarkToMouse
1-pressed.1.p cursorToMouse
1-pressed.2.p blockMarkWordAtMouse
1-s-dragged.p blockMarkToMouse
1-s-pressed.1.p blockMarkToMouse
2-c-s-pressed.1.p expandHideAtMouse
3-c-s-pressed.1.p expandHideAtMouse
3-pressed.1.p popupAtMouse
a-dragged.p blockMarkToMouse
a-pressed.1.p cursorToMouse
a-pressed.2.p blockMarkRectangleAtMouse
c-a-pressed.1.p blockUnmark
c-a-s-pressed.1.p blockUnmark
c-dragged.p blockMarkToMouse
c-pressed.1.p cursorToMouse
c-pressed.2.p blockMarkElementAtMouse
dragged.p blockMarkToMouse
pressed.1.p cursorToMouse
pressed.2.p blockMarkWordAtMouse
s-dragged.p blockMarkToMouse
s-pressed.1.p blockMarkToMouse
1-a-dragged.e blockMarkToMouse
1-a-pressed.1.e cursorToMouse
1-a-pressed.2.e blockMarkRectangleAtMouse
1-c-a-pressed.1.e blockUnmark
1-c-a-s-pressed.1.e blockUnmark
1-c-dragged.e blockMarkToMouse
1-c-pressed.1.e cursorToMouse
1-c-pressed.2.e blockMarkElementAtMouse
1-c-s-pressed.1.e expandHideAtMouse
1-dragged.e blockMarkToMouse
1-pressed.1.e expandHideAtMouse
1-pressed.2.e expandHideAtMouse
1-pressed.3.e expandHideAtMouse
1-s-dragged.e blockMarkToMouse
1-s-pressed.1.e blockMarkToMouse
2-c-s-pressed.1.e expandHideAtMouse
3-c-s-pressed.1.e expandHideAtMouse
3-pressed.1.e popupAtMouse
a-dragged.e blockMarkToMouse
a-pressed.1.e cursorToMouse
a-pressed.2.e blockMarkRectangleAtMouse
c-a-pressed.1.e blockUnmark
c-a-s-pressed.1.e blockUnmark
c-dragged.e blockMarkToMouse
c-pressed.1.e cursorToMouse
c-pressed.2.e blockMarkElementAtMouse
dragged.e blockMarkToMouse
pressed.1.e expandHideAtMouse
pressed.2.e expandHideAtMouse
pressed.3.e expandHideAtMouse
s-dragged.e blockMarkToMouse
s-pressed.1.e blockMarkToMouse

Related concepts
Editor commands, actions, and parameters
Editor profiles

Related reference
Default editor commands
Editor parameters
keyAction parameter
mouseAction parameter