Changing the sequence of objects in the Object Stack
If you are working with many overlapping objects, you can change the sequence of objects in the Object Stack to uncover hidden objects.
To change the sequence of objects:
- In the Object Stack, select an object you would like to move.
Note: You cannot change the sequence of multiple objects in a single operation.
- Select Object > Overlap, and select one of the following options:
- Bring to front - Moves the selected object to the top of the stack.
- Send to back - Moves the selected object to the bottom of the stack.
- Bring Forward - Moves the selected object up one level in the stack.
- Send backwards - Moves the selected object down one level in the stack.
Note: Alternatively, you can also drag and drop objects within the Object Stack to change the sequence.
Parent topic
Maneuvering objects
Related concepts
Creating objects
Related tasks
Aligning objects
Rotating and flipping objects
Positioning an object on the canvas
Grouping and Ungrouping objects (WebArt Designer)
Hiding an object