Use the Agent Controller with other WebSphere Studio tools

The Agent Controller is not installed automatically when you install WebSphere Studio. You must install it manually before you can use the following tools:

To install the Agent Controller, insert the WebSphere Studio installation CD in the drive and select Install IBM Agent Controller from the main installation window.

By default, the Agent Controller service starts automatically when it is installed and then whenever you start your system. For instructions on starting or stopping the Agent Controller, refer to the online help.

Note: The Agent Controller can be installed separately on a different machine. For instructions on how to do this, refer to the Installation Guide in the readme directory. 

For more information on profiling and logging applications, refer to the online help for the Profiling tools

For more information on testing and publishing tools, and the WebSphere test environment, which is the complete run-time environment of WebSphere Application Server, refer to the online help for the Server Tools feature. 

Related tasks
Starting and stopping the Agent Controller
Working with the Agent Controller