An EJB is a server side Java component. It is hosted by an EJB container which enables the EJB to use mechanisms such as distribution, persistency, security, and transactions. 
Other Relationships:  Part Of Design Model
Role:  Designer 
Optionality:  Mandatory if using EJB technology. 
Templates and Reports: 


UML Representation:  A set of one or more classes. Details and alternative modeling options are discussed in Guidelines: Identifying EJBs.
More Information: 

Input to Activities: 


Output from Activities:




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EJBs have the same purpose as Artifact: Design Classes. They are abstracted as a separate artifact because they have some unique modeling characteristics and additional specific guidance, but for most purposes, they may be thought of as Design Classes.



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Property Name Brief Description
Name The name of the EJB.
Brief Description A brief description of the role and purpose of the EJB.
Responsibilities The responsibilities defined by the EJB.
Relationships The relationships to other model elements. For example, if the EJB is modeled as a component, you may have "reside" dependencies to the enterprise bean class and interfaces, "implements" relationships to modules, and "deploys" relationships to nodes.
Special Requirements References to all requirements, such as non-functional requirements, on the EJB that are not considered in the design model, but that need to be taken care of during implementation.
Diagrams Any diagrams local to the EJB, such as interaction diagrams, EJB diagrams, or statechart diagrams.



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Architecturally significant EJBs are identified and described during the elaboration phase. The remaining EJBs are identified and described during the construction phase.



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The Designer role is responsible for the integrity of the EJB, ensuring that:

  • The EJB fulfills the requirements made on it from the use-case realizations in which it participates.
  • The EJB is as independent as possible of other design elements.
  • It's properties (and that of its bean implementation class and any interfaces), including responsibilities, relationships, operations, and attributes, are justified and kept consistent.
  • The Special Requirements are readable and suit their purpose.
  • The diagrams describing the EJB are readable and consistent with the other properties.



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Options for modeling EJBs is described in Guidelines: EJB.

Rational Unified Process  
