New for content authors in V8.5
Enhanced authoring user interface
Use the integrated site toolbar to create and edit content. Within the new site toolbar, we can drag content to the page we are editing.
We can associate vanity URLs with portal pages and labels. Vanity URLs are short URLs that people can remember. They are shorter than full WebSphere Portal URLs. They are sometimes also called marketing URLs. We can publish vanity URLs for marketing campaigns through different channels, such as email or print. This way, use vanity URLs to direct customers to a specific portal page or content item. Interested site visitors who want to view the campaign can then remember or copy the short vanity URL and type it into the browser address field.
We can now add social content from external sources to the page.
We can integrate third-party content on the site with web dock application portlets.
Page editors can integrate social content in the context of portal pages.
- Learn more: Site toolbar
Targeted content
Targeted content matches the content that displays in a spot to the site visitor that views the spot. Content authors do not need IT experience to configure a spot on a page to show targeted content. The administrator creates profiler rules for the content authoring and marketing team in the personalization area of the site. The profiles created in the profiler rules appear as segments when we configure the spot. Specifically, the segment name displayed in the UI matches the label specified for the profiler rule. Then, the content author uses the Targeted Content selection in the Configure Spot menu to map content to segments.
- Learn more: Configure your content spot
Digital Data Connector
Use the new IBM Digital Data Connector to integrate data from external data sources on portal pages using WCM presentation components. With Digital Data Connector, content authors and designers can use WCM presentation components to generate the web page markup for external data.
Syndication status
A new information window in the authoring portlet user interface that displays the current syndication status for each item. Users can determine whether an item is synchronized between the syndicator and subscriber, pending syndication, failed, or configured to be syndicated.
Information mode and user assistance
Information mode displays more inline information, examples, and hover help in the user interface, such as the site toolbar. Information mode gives you more assistance when we need it. After we are comfortable and understand the user interface, we can turn off information mode. Information mode is a global setting. From the site toolbar, we can turn it on and off to suit the needs. We can now view online help that is specific to content authors. Click Learn More links or the question mark icon to find help that is specific to that topic.
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