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Manual Steps in the Configuration Wizard: Database Transfer


  1. Create database users and groups
  2. Create database runtime users and groups
  3. Create DB2 database
  4. Download the script and setup the DB2 database
  5. Download the script and grant permissions for the DB2 database users


  1. Enable the DB2 pureScale load balancing feature
  2. Download a script and create the MS SQL database
  3. Download the script and setup the MS SQL database
  4. Download the script and grant permissions for the MS SQL database users


  1. Create Oracle database
  2. Download the script and setup the Oracle database
  3. Download the script and grant permissions for the Oracle database users

JCR considerations

  1. Set up the data and index directory for JCR collation
  2. Set up JCR collation
  3. Improve database response time for the database containing the JCR domain

Parent Configuration Wizard