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Manual Steps - Database transfer - Create database users and groups

Note that manual steps from the Configuration Wizard can be found in the IBM Knowledge Center.

The procedure is repeated for each portal database domain:

  • release
  • community customization
  • jcr
  • feedback
  • likeminds

Example DB2 configuration steps...

  1. Create the database configuration users on the operating system.

  2. Create the dbdomain database configuration user.

    Use dbdomain.DbUser as the user ID when creating this user.

  3. On the OS where DB2 is installed, create the database configuration groups for the database domains.

  4. Create the dbdomain database configuration group.

    Use dbdomain.DbConfigRoleName as the group name on the operating system.

  5. Assign database configuration users to the database configuration groups created.

  6. Assign dbdomain.DbUser to dbdomain.DbConfigRoleName.

Parent Manual Steps: Database Transfer