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Create the initial release using PAA

To stage the initial release to another server, build the initial release Portal Application Archive (PAA) file from the source server.

  1. Install, configure, and upgrade WebSphere Portal on the staging server.

    This step includes database and security configurations.

  2. Develop a release on the staging server.

    Includes pages, portlets, themes, skins, personalization rules, web content, and other items.

  3. Create a PAA file for the initial release, including PAA files for all virtual portals:

      cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine
      mkdir /directory/to/store/PAA
      ./ConfigEngine.sh build-initial-release-paa -DdestPAADir=/directory/to/store/PAA -DWasPassword=foo -DPortalAdminPwd=foo


    sharedAppResourcesRootDir Directory for .jar files, classes, and compressed files that are then stored in the shared/app directory.
    sharedExtResourcesRootDir Directory for .jar files, classes, and compressed files that are then stored in the shared/ext directory.
    appsToExtract A comma-separated list of applications to extract from the source environment. For example, we might extract the wps_theme,iehs,dojo_resources files. They are then packaged in the PAA file.
    exportWebDavTheme Set true to download and include the themes.zip file from WebDAV.
    exportWcmData Set true to export all Web Content Manager libraries. The export-wcm-data task is run when we use exportWcmData. Do not use this parameter in place of syndicating the libraries from the target environment.

Parent Staging to production

Staging Personalization rules to production
Synchronize the vanity URL database
Use xmlaccess.sh to work with virtual portals
Export and import a web content library
Transfer portal configuration data using xmlaccess.sh
XML configuration reference
Work with xmlaccess.sh