Create a PAA file to install apps with the Solution Installer
The Solution Installer automates application deployment tasks using resources contained in a Portal Application Archive (PAA) file. The PAA file is a ZIP compression file whose format informs Solution Installer how to install the application, and provides the installable artifacts. The application in the PAA file is installed on WebSphere Portal with the ConfigEngine. Required extension points for installation are specified in the software definition descriptor (sdd.xml) file local to the component. A component level sdd.xml can be generated automatically during the installation phase.
Samples are in...
Create a PAA file
- PAA file structure overview
- Installation tasks
- Order of installation of scripts and artifacts
- The sdd.xml file
- Property files
- Database properties for the Solution Installer
- Virtual portals in the PAA file
If a portlet cannot be rendered, try replacing any custom themes or skins with a default. For example, use IBM NoSkin.
If weing any PZN or visibility rules, verify that PortalAdminId in has a distinguished name of 47 or fewer chars. Anything longer causes a carriage return in some encoding/encryption process used by PZN export (one of the components called during the PAA export). If the DN is longer than 47 chars, substitute the short name.
When using WAB portlets, in the policy, explicitly exclude TRACE and OPTIONS http methods. Although a WAB portlet manually configured to accept all methods will work, it will not be imported properly via xmlaccess due to a xsd validation failure, even when the PAA import reports success. End result is Unauthorized (403) errors when viewing those WAB portlets on the target environment.
For script portlets verify the script portlet library exists on the target environment. The PAA process only imports a single WCM library by default.