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Use xmlaccess.sh to work with virtual portals

We can export and import the contents of individual virtual portals using xmlaccess.sh. The import will fill a newly created virtual portal with content. We can use the virtual portal's globally unique portal ID to scope resources associated with that virtual portal clearly and individually.

Address using either..

  • Virtual portal URL context:

      xmlaccess -user user -password password -url host:port/wps/config/ vpcontext -in XML_file -out result.xml

  • Virtual portal host name:

      xmlaccess -user user -password password -url host:port/wps/config -in XML_file -out result.xml

To transfer the contents of a virtual portal from a source server to a target server:

  1. Create the virtual portal on the target server.
  2. Export the contents of the virtual portal from the source server.
  3. Import the XML result script from the previous step to the target server.

Do not export or import multiple virtual portals at the same time. Specify a separate XML request for each virtual portal.

Access rights are limited to the master administrator of the portal installation as a whole. Subadministrators for the virtual portals cannot use xmlaccess.sh to export or import the virtual portal they administer.

Unscoped resources are shared between all virtual portals across the entire portal installation. A change of unscoped resources by xmlaccess.sh affects ALL other virtual portals. This applies to the following types of XML processing:

  • Deploying portlet applications into a virtual portal

    If the portlet is already deployed to the target system, errors can occur during the execution of the XML request. Also, deployed portlets, are available to all virtual portals in the portal installation, unless restricted using Portal Access Control.

  • Updating URL mappings

    A URL mapping of a URL context in one virtual portal can be unintentionally updated by XML import into another virtual portal to point to a resource in that second virtual portal. If we export the content of one virtual portal, and import it into a different virtual portal, make sure to not include the URL mappings of virtual portal URL contexts in the XML script. Otherwise, the virtual portal may become unusable in the following two circumstances:

    • If the source and target virtual portals are on the same portal server, the URL mappings of the source virtual portal are updated to point to resources in the target virtual portal into which you imported the content. We can no longer use such a URL context to access the resource in the source virtual portal.

    • If the source and target virtual portals are not on the same portal server, but there is a virtual portal on the target portal server with the same URL context as the source virtual portal. The URL mappings of this virtual portal are updated to point to resources in the target virtual portal into which you imported the content. And we can no longer use such a URL context to access the resource in this virtual portal.

    This step is critical for the URL mapping of a URL context created for a virtual portal during its creation. Updating this initial URL mapping of a virtual portal URL context makes that virtual portal unusable.

    Always make a backup of target portal file system and databases before executing xmlaccess imports.

Parent Virtual portals command reference

Related concepts:
Task: create-virtual-portal
Technotes for virtual portals
Work with xmlaccess.sh
Create a virtual portal
Configure the sub administrators for virtual portals