Prepare security for remote search service in a single-signon domain
Prepare portal security for remote search service on a single portal installation...
- Make the key file available to all servers in the Single-Sign On (SSO) domain on one of the servers to be part of the SSO domain:
- Open the WAS admin console and select...
Security | Global Security | Authentication | LTPA
- In the field for the fully qualified key name enter a key file name and click the button: Export keys
The keys are written to...
- Import the key file to all other servers of the SSO domain.
Do this on all other servers that will be part of this SSO domain:
- Copy the key file that you exported in step 1 to the server into the directory WP_PROFILE .
- Log in to the WAS admin console and select...
Security | Global Security | Authentication | LTPA
- In the field for the fully qualified key name enter a key file name and click the Import keys button.
The keys are propagated to all servers of the SSO domain.
- Restart all WAS profiles on this server.
- Disable automatic LTPA key generation on all servers of the SSO domain by unselecting check box:
Security | Global Security | Authentication mechanisms and expiration | LTPA Key generation | Key set groups | NodeLTPAKeySetGroup | Key generation | Automatically generate keys
Log out from the WAS admin console for changes to take effect.
- If you work with EJB on a secure server, set the search user ID.
Parent: Use remote search service
Related: Prepare for remote search service
Replace the search administrator user ID
Set the search user ID
Configure Portal Search for remote search service