Install a stand-alone Personalization Server
We can install a stand-alone Personalization server to a new IBM WebSphere Application Server profile, which allows us to deploy WAS specific applications, serve personalized content to users, and record site metrics without requiring an active IBM WebSphere Portal server.To install or uninstall a stand-alone Personalization Server:
- To create a WAS profile for the Personalization server:
cd PROFILE_ROOT/bin ./ -create -profileName pzn_profile -profilePath was_profile_root/pzn_profile -templatePath WAS_HOME/profileTemplates/default
- To initialize the stand-alone Personalization Server:
cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine ./ -DPznProfileName=target_profile_name action-init-pzn-standalone -DPortalAdminId=portal_uid -DPortalAdminPwd=portal_uid_password -DWasAdminId=was_uid -DWasPassword=was_uid_password
- To match the new WAS profile to the initialized stand-alone Personalization Server, edit...
...and set the following properties
- WasSoapPort
- Enter the SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS value found in the serverindex.xml file of the new WAS profile.
- WpsHostPort
- Enter the WC_defaulthost value found in the serverindex.xml file of the new WAS profile.
- XmlAccessPort
- Enter the port used by the XMLAccess configuration task to connect the XMLAccess server.
- VirtualHostName
- Enter the name of the new WAS profile virtual host.
- WasUserHome
- Enter the name of the directory where the new WAS profile was created.
- ProfileName
- Enter the name of new WAS profile name.
- CellName
- Enter the name of the new WAS profile cell.
- NodeName
- Enter the name of the new WAS profile node.
- ServerName
- Enter name of the application server for the new WAS profile.
- cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine and run the following command to install the stand-alone Personalization Server:
- Windows
ConfigPzn.bat -DparentProperties=WP_PROFILE\ConfigEngine\ -DSaveParentProperties=false -DPortalAdminID=portal_uid -DPortalAdminPwd=portal_password -DWasAdminID=WAS_uid -DWasPassword=WAS_password action-install-pzn-standalone
./ -DparentProperties=WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/ -DSaveParentProperties=false -DPortalAdminID=portal_uid -DPortalAdminPwd=portal_password -DWasAdminID=WAS_uid -DWasPassword=WAS_password action-install-pzn-standalone
- cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine and run the following command to remove the stand-alone Personalization Server:
- Windows
ConfigPzn.bat -DparentProperties=WP_PROFILE\ConfigEngine\ -DSaveParentProperties=false -DPortalAdminId=portal_uid -DPortalAdminPwd=portal_uid_passsword -DWasAdminId=was_uid -DWasPassword=was_uid_password action-remove-pzn-standalone
./ -DparentProperties=WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/ -DSaveParentProperties=false -DPortalAdminId=portal_uid -DPortalAdminPwd=portal_uid_passsword -DWasAdminId=was_uid -DWasPassword=was_uid_password action-remove-pzn-standalone
Parent: Set up a Personalization server on WAS
Previous: Plan for the Personalization Server