Personalization element examples
The layout and design of a personalization element is created in a similar way to a menu element, with a header design, footer design, and a design to be repeated for each result.
Create a Personalized menu
- Create a content spot or personalization rule in Portal Personalization based on some WCM content.
- Create a personalization element in Web Content Manager.
- Click the Search button and select the content spot or personalization rule you created before. Click OK.
- Create an element design to display the results of the content spot or personalization rule. This is similar to designing a Menu element or Navigator. For example, Enter the following in the "Design for each menu search result" section:
[placeholder tag="namelink" ] <br>
- Save the personalization element.
- Reference the personalization element in a presentation template.
Displaying personalized content
To display a single piece of personalized WCM content for different users:
- Create an authoring template that includes an element. For example, a text element called "body".
- Create has a set of content items based on this authoring template.
- Create a content spot or personalization rule in Portal Personalization based on the authoring template and content. The content spot or personalization rule should only return a single piece of Web Content Manager Content for each user.
- Create a personalization element in Web Content Manager.
- Click the Search button and select the content spot or personalization rule you created before. Click OK.
- Create an element design to display the results of the content spot or personalization rule. For example, Enter the following in the Design for each menu search result section:
[element type="Content" context="autofill" key="Body"]This displays the content of the text element called "Body" from the content item returned by the content spot or personalization rule.
- Save the personalization element.
- Reference the personalization element in a presentation template.
Displaying personalized web content components
A set of personalized web content components can be displayed using a personalization element:
- Create a content spot or personalization rule in Portal Personalization that searches for web content components.
- Create a personalization element in Web Content Manager.
- Click the Search button and select the content spot or personalization rule you created before. Click OK.
- Create an element design to display the results of the content spot or personalization rule. For example, Enter the following in the element design section:
<div>Design for each menu search result:
Use a Component tag with a context of "autofill".
<span> [Component context="autofill" ] </span><br>Footer:
- Save the personalization element.
- Reference the personalization element in a presentation template.
Displaying attributes of Personalized content
The attributes of personalized content can also be displayed using a personalization element:
- Create a content spot or personalization rule in Portal Personalization .
- Create a personalization element in Web Content Manager.
- Click the Search button and select the content spot or personalization rule you created before. Click OK.
- Create an element design to display the results of the content spot or personalization rule. For example, Enter the following in the element design section:
<div>Design for each menu search result:
Use a "AttributeResource" tag for each attribute to display. For example:
<span> [AttributeResource attributeName="ibmcm:title"] [AttributeResource attributeName="ibmcm:effectiveDate"] </span><br>Footer:
- Save the personalization element.
- Reference the personalization element in a presentation template.
Displaying keywords and categories:
To retrieve a list of categories or keywords, Use the Property tag.
Displaying authors and owners:
To retrieve a list of authors or owners, Use the Property tag.
Displaying the Site Path:
To display the site path to a personalized Web Content Manager element, use a placeholder tag.
Parent: Personalized content