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Uninstall a cluster on IBM i

If you have a complete and functional uninstallation program, we can uninstall IBM WebSphere Portal only or both WebSphere Portal and IBM WAS from the cluster.

Uninstall WebSphere Portal using the uninstallation program

  1. Stop the servers:

    • stopServer WebSphere_Portal -username wpadmin -password foo, from the WP_PROFILE/bin directory

    • stopServer cw_profile -profileName cw_profile -username wpadmin -password foo, from the WAS_HOME/bin directory

  2. Verify there are no other installations or uninstallations running.

  3. Uninstall WebSphere Portal and WAS:

    product_offer is either Server or Content, depending on the product offerinthat you purchased.

    Option Commands
    Silent local From the installation source directory, run the imcl input /path/to/response.xml -log /path/to/log/files task

  4. Go to Delete cluster members for information on how to delete a cluster member, if it exists, from the dmgr.

  5. To delete the WebSphere Portal server, if it exists, from the dmgr:

    1. Click Servers > Application Servers.

    2. Select the check box for the WebSphere Portal server to delete.

    3. Click Delete.

  6. Optional: After uninstalling WebSphere Portal and WAS, we can also delete Installation Manager. Run the ./uninstallc command, located in the qibm/userdata/InstallationManager/uninstall directory.

Parent: Uninstall from a cluster on IBM i
Previous: Prepare to uninstall a cluster on IBM i