Supported migration paths
Migration is supported from a secure server only, and between equivalent offerings. For example, you can migrate from WebSphere Portal Enable v6.0.1.x to WebSphere Portal Enable V7, but not from WebSphere Portal Express v6.0.1.x to WebSphere Portal Extend V7,
Offering WebSphere Portal Express v7.0 WebSphere Portal v7.0 (Enable, Extend) Web Content Manager v7.0 WebSphere Portal Express v6.0.1.x on WAS v6.0 Supported Not Supported Not Supported WebSphere Portal Server v6.0.1.x on WAS v6.0 Not Supported Supported Supported WebSphere Portal Express v6.1.x on WAS v6.1 Supported Not Supported Not Supported WebSphere Portal Server V6.1.x (Enable, Extend) on WAS v6.1 Not Supported Supported Not Supported Web Content Manager V6.1 on WAS v6.1 Not Supported Not Supported Supported WebSphere Portal Server V6.1.x (Enable, Extend) on WAS v7.0 Not Supported Supported Not Supported Web Content Manager V6.1 on WAS v7.0 Not Supported Not Supported Supported Migration is supported only from the two latest fix pack levels for any listed offering. For example, if you are using WebSphere Portal v6.1.0.1, and the two latest available fix packs are and, apply one of those fix packs before you can migrate to v7.0. Similarly, if you are using WebSphere Portal v6.0.1.0, apply one of the two latest available fix packs for that offering, which might be and, before you can migrate to v7.0. See the Related topics section below for information on available fix packs.
If you are not sure which earlier version is installed, run the following command from the WP_PROFILE/PortalServer/bin directory of the earlier portal server:
Windows™: WPVersionInfo.bat
You cannot upgrade the source portal with a fixpack after migration if you intend to re-migrate the JCR. For example, if source portal is running v6.1.0.4 and you migrate the portal to v7.0, you cannot then upgrade the source portal to v6.1.0.5 and migrate the JCR again. This is not supported.UNIX™: ./
Migrate from v6.0.1.x
v6.0.1.x administration pages and portlets are not migrated. Any customizations to these pages or portlets in the earlier installed portal must be recreated in the new installed version.Migration from v6.0 to V7 has some known limitations. For example, you cannot migrate access control of v6.0 administrative pages, and some wires cannot be migrated. For more information, see technote 1413503.
Migrate from V6.1.x
If you are migrating from WebSphere Portal 6.1.x, the process for migrating the source (or earlier) portal environment depends on whether the source portal uses IBM WebSphere Application Server v6.1 or 7.0.
Remote migration note: Remote migration is not supported if you are running WebSphere Portal V6.1.x on WAS V7.0. This is because remote migration can only occur if you are migrating the application server profile, which is not performed if WebSphere Portal is already installed on WAS V7.0.When you migrate from V6.1.x to V7, WebSphere Portal automatically migrates the following applications and configuration data so that the new portal looks and behaves the same way as the earlier portal:
- Security configuration
- Access control
- Portal behavior
- Portlet applications
- Customized portal resources, such as themes and skins, pages, and portlets
- Personalized content
- Virtual portals
Web content server migration scenarios
The steps required to migrate Web Content Manager data and portlets will differ depending on which version of Web Content Manager you are migrating from.
Migrate from versions 6.0 and 6.1Follow the WebSphere Portal migration instructions, and then perform any post-migration steps required to update web content as specified in the "Deploying new functionality in a migrated portal" section.
Migrate from version 5.1
- When migrating from version 5.1 first migrate to WebSphere Portal version 6.1. We recommend migrating to version or later. Refer to the WebSphere Portal version 6.1 Information Center for further information.
- Once you have migrated to WebSphere Portal version or later, you then migrate data and portlets to version 7.0.
Web Content Management migration notes: When you migrate web content server, the WP_PROFILE/PortalServer/wcm/shared/app/config/wcmservices/ file is migrated automatically. A copy of the original configuration is created in the same directory as the backup. When the migration occurs, the following changes are made to the properties file:
- Deprecated properties are removed.
- The default values for renamed properties are updated with their new default values, where needed. Otherwise, only the property names are changed.
- New properties are added, along with their default values.
- The properties connect.businesslogic.module and syndication.keepAliveInterval are always updated with new default values.
- All other property names and values are preserved.
Document Manager migration
As of version 6.1, Document Manager is no longer available in WebSphere Portal. Before migrating data, you will need to replace Web content previously stored as documents in a document library with either file resource components or file resource elements stored in authoring templates, content items or site areas.
Migrate from versions 6.0Before migrating to version 7.0, follow the instructions in the Document migration topic.
Migrate from version 5.1As the document list portlet cannot be installed on a version 5.1 server or earlier, you will need to first migrate version 5.1 server to version 6.0. Refer to the WebSphere Portal version 6.0 Information Center for further information. Then, before migrating to version 7.0, follow the instructions in the Document migration topic.
Understand migration
High-availability systems
Plan for migration
Migrate v6.0.1.x
Migrate V6.1.x on a V6.1 application server
Migrate V6.1.x on a V7 application server
Related tasks
Deploy new functionality in a migrated portal
Prepare a source portal on a V6.1 application server
Prepare a source portal on a V7 application server
Fix List for WebSphere Portal v6.0
Fix List for WebSphere Portal V6.1.0
WebSphere Portal Update Installer
WebSphere Portal Update Installer
Submitted by Neo WJ Zhao on Apr 27, 2011 4:41:12 AM Re: Supported migration paths: wp7
Please advise where could we find "technote 1413503" as mentioned in "Migrating from v6.0.1.x".