Install a pre-rendered delivery server
You can pre-render a complete IBM Lotus Web Content Management site into HTML and save it to disk. The pre-rendered site can then be used as your live site and displayed to end users using either Web Content Management or a Web server. You deploy a pre-rendered site when you are not using any WebSphere Portal features and your content is static and is only updated periodically.
- Restrictions
- Sites, site areas, and content items cannot contain characters that are considered invalid in file names by the operating system on which you are pre-rendering.
For example, on a machine running Windows, these characters are invalid: / \ : * ? " < > |.
- The path to the content item, including the directory path to which you are pre-rendering (for example, site/site area/content) cannot exceed the operating system's maximum path length:
- 255 characters in Windows
- 1024 characters in Linux
The pre-rendering feature cannot be used to pre-render JSP components.
The Search component cannot be used in pre-rendered sites.
The Page navigation component cannot be used in pre-rendered sites.
Personalization elements can only be pre-rendering if the personalization rule is configured for anonymous access.
- Site security
- Item security for read access for different users set in a Web Content Management environment is not transferred to pre-rendered sites. The security for the entire pre-rendered site is based on the connect.moduleconfig.cacher.rendereruser property as set in the pre-rendering configuration of
- Pre-rendering a Web site
Pre-rendering can be configured to run automatically, or you can manually pre-render a site using a URL.
- Accessing the pre-rendered site
Pre-rendered sites are accessed either through IBM Lotus Web Content Management, or through a Web server.
Parent topic:
Web content delivery methods