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Pre-rendering a Web site

Pre-rendering can be configured to run automatically, or you can manually pre-render a site using a URL.

Automatically pre-rendering a Web site

The CacherModule can be configured to run when the Web Content Management application is loaded by specifying the following property in WCMConfigService.properties.


The CacherModule will then run according to the settings in WCMConfigService.properties

If you have enabled the cacher module as the default module you do not need to edit this property as the cacher module will be started automatically.

Manually pre-rendering a Web site

Pre-rendering can be also be initiated through the URL interface.

For example: http://host_name:port_number/wps/wcm/connect?MOD=Cacher&SRV=cacheSite&Site=site_name&library=library_name

Table 1. CacherModule options

Service Required Parameters Optional Parameters

Initializes prerendering for the given site with a delay as given (in seconds).

SITE=<sitename> DELAY=<delay>LIBRARY=<library>

If no library is specified, the default library is used, as specified by the defaultLibrary property in WCMConfigService.properties


Clears (flushes) the given site cache. Deletes all pre-rendered data.

SITE=<sitename> LIBRARY=<library>

If no library is specified, the default library is used, as specified by the defaultLibrary property in WCMConfigService.properties


Flushes the page from the site cache. The site and page are determined from the request URL.

No SRV specified

The CacherModule attempts to retrieve the given page from the cache.


You can also pre-render individual pages using the following URL:


Parent topic:

Installing a pre-rendered delivery server