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Accessing the pre-rendered site

Pre-rendered sites are accessed either through IBM Lotus Web Content Management, or through a Web server.

Accessing the pre-rendered site through a Web Content Management application

To enable users to access the pre-rendered site through a Web Content Management application, update WCMConfigService.properties and make the following changes:

  1. Ensure that the following line is commented out:

    connect.businesslogic.module.default.class= com.aptrix.pluto.renderer.RendererModule

  2. Ensure that the following line is not commented out:

    connect.businesslogic.module.default.class= com.aptrix.cacher.CacherModule

Users can access the site through the following URL:


The library_name parameter is optional. If the library is specified, the Web Content Management application looks for the site in that library. If no library is specified, the default library is used, as specified by the defaultLibrary property in WCMConfigService.properties.

Accessing the pre-rendered site through a Web server

If your Web server is not used for WebSphere Portal Server, you can configure your Web server to map to the following alias and Web Content Management directories:

Table 1. Alias and directory details

Alias Directory
/wps/wcm/connect [ILWWCM_HOME]/ilwwcm/cacher

When using a Web server to view a pre-rendered site, the above directories require execute access.

Users access the site via the following URL:

Use the following configuration parameters to change the context of the URLs generated via pre-rendering:

For example, to set a context of /sales, use the following parameters:

If your Web server is used for both a WebSphere Portal server and accessing the pre-rendered site, change the context of the URLs . Any context that starts with the WebSphere Portal server context, /wps for example, will be redirected to WebSphere Portal server.

Parent topic:

Installing a pre-rendered delivery server