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Verify the setup of process integration

Verify that you have enabled business process integration in the portal environment. Check to see if required artifacts, properties, pages, and portlets are available. You should have completed the appropriate setup procedure for your deployment: either single-cell or cross-cell deployment.

To verify that the communication between Portal and Process server is working perform these steps:

  1. If you have not yet installed a business process application on your WebSphere Process Server, install, deploy, and start the application on the process server.

    If you do not have a process application, you can use the test application that is provided with WebSphere Process Server, Business Process Choreographer Installation Verification Test, bpcivt.ear. Refer to the WebSphere Process Server Information Center topics that explain how to install the test application when you verify your WebSphere Process Server deployment environment.

    If you do not know how to install processes on the process server, refer to the WebSphere Process Server Information Center.

  2. Verify the folder /ProcessChoreographer/client contains the bpcjsfcomponents.jar file. The existence of this file confirms that v6.1.0.1 of WebSphere Process Server is installed.

  3. Log in to WebSphere Portal using administrator credentials.

  4. From the product banner, click Applications > Process Integration.

  5. Open the My Processes page.

  6. In Manage Processes, click Process Templates.

  7. Verify that the list shows the process template contained in the .ear file that you deployed. If you used the test application, Business Process Choreographer Installation Verification Test, this file is bpcivt.ear.

    Using the Task Processing portlet and the Manage Processes portlet in a cross-cell setup requires manual copying of process artifacts, for example, required class libraries, into the portal installation.

Now you can work with business process applications: managing processes, using task lists, and working with task messages. After working with business process applications, you might want to customize the configuration of business process integration. You might also want to develop custom user interfaces for process integration.

Parent topic:

Enable process integration

Related tasks

Enable process integration in a cross-cell setup
Enable process integration in a single-cell setup
Use generic process integration portlets in a cross-cell setup

Related information

Installing the test application
WebSphere Process Server, v6.1.0, documentation