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Enable process integration in a single-cell setup

Enable an WebSphere Portal server or cluster for process integration that is part of the same cell as the WebSphere Process Server to which it is connected. Install the WebSphere Process Server Client option on top of WebSphere Portal, run the automated tasks for setting up business process integration, and federate WebSphere Portal into the WebSphere Process Server cell.

The automated setup task creates the EJB references for the process server, shared libraries for required classes, and configures inbound and outbound identity assertion. It also creates the necessary resource environment provider entries in the WebSphere Portal Configuration Service.

The setup task also creates the default portal pages where users manage processes and work with the tasks controlled by the process server.

You might want to run the alternate setup task, setup-base-wp.processintegration.config.

This task omits the creation of the default portal pages where users manage processes and work with the tasks controlled by the process server. If you are migrating a process portal environment and you choose to enable the portal server with process integration after you migrate the process portal configuration, use the setup-base-wp.processintegration.config task.

To enable business process integration within the portal environment, either a federated portal server or an existing portal cluster...

  1. Install the WebSphere Process Server Client on the portal server or on all nodes of the existing cluster.

    1. Launch the installation wizard from your WebSphere Process Server CDs.

    2. Choose your existing portal server as installation base for the WebSphere Process Server installation.

    3. Choose the Client installation option.

    When using WebSphere Process Server client version 6.2.x it is necessary to install the Webservices feature pack first on top of portal. The version of the feature pack has to match the level of the appserver used for WebSphere Portal.

  2. On the portal server or all nodes of the existing cluster, run the tasks to adapt the WebSphere Portal to the newly installed WebSphere Process Server Client:

    1. Verify that the following properties are set in wkplc.properties, located in the directory profile_root/ConfigEngine/properties:

      Alternatively, specify those properties using the corresponding command line parameters.

    2. On the stand-alone portal server or primary node of the existing portal cluster, open the wkplc_comp.properties file in the directory profile_root/ConfigEngine/properties, set the values for the values for these parameters: You do not need to update the file on all secondary nodes.

      • Set the property pi.IsCrossCell to false.

      • To connect WebSphere Portal to a WebSphere Process Server server in the same cell, set the following properties:

        • Set pi.IsWPSCluster to false.

        • Set pi.NodeName to the name of the node on which the server is located.

        • Set pi.ServerName to the name of the server.

      • To connect WebSphere Portal to a WebSphere Process Server cluster in the same cell, set the following properties:

        • Set pi.IsWPSCluster to true.

        • Set pi.ClusterName to the name of the cluster that hosts the Business Process Choreographer components such as the container, explorer, and observer.

    3. On the WebSphere Portal single server or all nodes of the existing cluster, open a command prompt.

    4. If you are enabling process integration on a portal cluster, make sure the corresponding WAS node agents are started.

    5. Change the directory to profile_root/ConfigEngine.

    6. Type the following command:

      Windows: ConfigEngine.bat wps-client-post-install-wp.processintegration.config -DWasPassword=password

      UNIX: ConfigEngine.sh wps-client-post-install-wp.processintegration.config -DWasPassword=password

    7. Determine which setup task to run:

      • To set up process integration with the portal-provided Process Integration pages and you are not migrating a process portal environment, type the following command:

        Windows: ConfigEngine.bat setup-wp.processintegration.config -DWasPassword=password

        UNIX: ConfigEngine.sh setup-wp.processintegration.config -DWasPassword=password

      • To set up process integration without the portal-provided Process Integration pages or if you have migrated the process portal environment, type the following command:

        Windows: ConfigEngine.bat setup-base-wp.processintegration.config -DWasPassword=password

        UNIX: ConfigEngine.sh setup-base-wp.processintegration.config -DWasPassword=password

      If you run the setup command on a portal cluster, you will have to manually activate the newly deployed portlets processtemplates.war and tasklistportlet.war using the Manage Web Modules portlet.

  3. Restart the process server and the portal server. All objects and properties required for working with business process applications managed by the process server are configured for display and use in the portal environment.

    Until install and deploy a business process application, the default Process Integration pages, My Processes and My Tasks, are empty.

Now you can verify that business process integration is enabled in the portal environment.

Parent topic:

Understand single-cell deployment scenarios

Related tasks

Verify the setup of process integration

Related information

Installing the WebSphere Process Server Client interactively