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Understand single-cell deployment scenarios

In a single-cell deployment, WebSphere Portal is managed in the same cell with the WebSphere Process Server server to which it connects. There are two single-cell deployment scenarios for enabling the portal environment with business process integration (BPI). Determine which scenario suits your needs for a BPI-enabled portal.

The following single-cell deployment scenarios for a BPI-enabled portal are illustrated in the figure:

If you are setting up a new environment, start with a portal server that is part of the cell or a portal cluster that is part of the cell.

The procedure that follow for enabling process integration with a single-cell setup will depend on which configuration sequence you use.

  1. If you start with a portal that is part of a managed cell or a portal cluster, follow the flows in the figure that are marked  EPISC  and complete the steps in the procedure Enabling process integration in a single-cell setup.

  2. If you start with a BPI-enabled stand-alone portal, follow the flows in the figure that are marked  BPIEP  and complete the steps in the procedure Adding a BPI-enabled portal server to a managed cell.

  3. If you start with a BPI-enabled stand-alone portal server that is not yet part of the process server, you are using a cross-cell setup,  EPIXC .

    The flow in the figure marked  EPIXC  also applies if you have already created a cross-cell setup and later decide to move the portal server into the process server cell.

Figure 1. Single-cell deployment scenarios for a BPI-enabled portal

Parent topic:

Enable process integration

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