Overview of portal mashup integration
You can easily add content and function to the portal by integrating mashups to the portal. A mashup is a lightweight Web application created by combining information or capabilities from more than one existing source to deliver new functions and insights to users.
For more detailed information about mashups refer to the documentation about the IBM Mashup Center.
- Features of mashup integration
Learn about some user interface features and resources for working with mashup integration with the portal.
- Getting started
Portal mashups integration provides a basic user experience out of the box. To exploit the full range of mashups integration features and options, you can install your own widgets, configure mashups integration, and assign access rights to users as required.
- Mashup pages
Mashup pages display widgets instead of portlets in the portal.
- Share content
With mashup integration the portal makes sharing pages and other content among users easier.
- Mashup spaces
With mashup spaces, users can group their mashup pages together and store the spaces as templates, if they have the required access rights. They can then create further spaces from these templates.
- Mashup toolbox
The widgets that users can add to a mashup page are organized in a toolbox. Users can use the default toolbox or customize it to their personal toolbox.
- Hints and tips for using portal mashup integration
Mashup integration in the portal does not support all use cases that the IBM Mashup Center supports.
Parent topic:
Mashup integration
Related information
Mashup Center product documentation: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/mashupswiki.nsf/xpViewCategories.xsp?lookupName=IBM%20Mashup%20Center%202.0%20documentation
Mashup Center information center: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/mashhelp/v2/index.jsp
Mashup Center tutorials: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/mashupswiki.nsf/xpViewCategories.xsp?lookupName=Tutorials