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Features of mashup integration

Learn about some user interface features and resources for working with mashup integration with the portal.

The following list describes features and resources from both portal mashup integration and the IBM Mashup Center.

action menu

The actions menu is a list of options located at the top of the mashups browser in edit mode. You can switch between edit and view mode, view the page source code, open the catalog, and see a list of pages that others have shared with you.


The catalog is a common repository for sharing and discovering widgets, feeds, and mashup pages, with built-in community features, such as ratings, tagging, and commenting.


In Lotus Mashups Workshop, in edit mode, a drawer is a category of widgets in the toolbox. As you create mashups, you drag widgets directly onto pages from drawers. You can move widgets from drawer to drawer, change the names of drawers, and more.

edit mode

In Lotus Mashups Workshop, edit mode is a page state in which you can assemble, configure, and wire widgets into mashups. In edit mode, you can add and delete widgets from pages. You can also edit settings for content and style. Edit mode is available only to users who are members of the Edit role in access control.


A feed is a data format that allows Web sites to distribute frequently updated content to users. In the Mashup Center, you can create widgets that display content from feeds. Feeds can be of various formats, including Atom Syndication Format and Really Simple Syndication (RSS).

hidden widgets corral

In Lotus Mashups Workshop, in edit mode, the hidden widgets corral is an area on a page for placing widgets that you want to be available for other widgets on the page, but do not want to display in the mashup. Typically, the hidden widgets corral contains nonvisual widgets that are used to provide or modify content, for example a feed that provides content on a map.

IBM InfoSphere MashupHub

MashupHub is a lightweight information management environment for IT professionals who want to unlock and share Web, departmental, personal, and enterprise information in REST style Web 2.0 applications. MashupHub includes visual tools for restructuring and remixing REST style feeds.

Mashup Center

The Mashup Center is a product offering that provides a complete, end-to-end mashup platform for line-of-buiness users who want to assemble single, flexible, and dynamic Web applications – with the management, security, and governance capabilities that information technology requires. Mashup Center includes Lotus Mashups and MashupHub.

IBM Lotus Mashups

Lotus Mashups is a lightweight mashup environment for rapidly assembling internet, enterprise, and personal content into simple, flexible, and dynamic Web applications. With Lotus Mashups, Web-savvy business users can easily create and share new Web applications that address their immediate business needs. Lotus Mashups includes the following components:

Lotus Mashups Builder

A graphical, browser-based tool for assembling widgets and feeds into new mashups.

Lotus Mashups Catalog

A common repository for sharing and discovering widgets and feeds, with built-in community features, such as ratings, tagging, and commenting.

Lotus Widget Factory

An Eclipse-based development tool for building widgets quickly.

IBM Lotus Widget Factory

Lotus Widget Factory is an easy-to-use development environment that enables developers of all skill levels to rapidly create dynamic widgets that leverage existing applications and data sources without writing code.


iWidget is an IBM specification that provides a standard definition for a widget. It allows for seamless interoperability across various IBM platforms and products. IBM is working with groups auch as the OpenAjax Alliance to drive toward a common widget standard, and to ensure interoperability between widget formats, such as widgets and Google Gadgets.


JavaScript is a Web scripting language that is used both in browsers and in Web servers.

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

JSON is a lightweight data interchange format that is based on the object-literal notation of JavaScript. JSON is programming-language neutral but uses conventions from languages that include C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python.


A mashup is a lightweight Web application created by combining information or capabilities from more than one existing source to deliver new functions and insights. Mashups typically mash data to create either a new data source or a new application that presents data in a single graphical interface. In a business environment, a mashup typically combines enterprise and Web based data from an assembly of widgets into a single, dynamic application to address a specific situation or problem.

Open search feature

The open search feature is a search mechanism in the Lotus Mashups toolbox that you can use to search for pages, widgets, and feeds in the catalog. When you locate items in the catalog, you can add them to Lotus Mashups, edit them, remix them with other data, and republish them to the catalog.


In Lotus Mashups Workshop, a page is the canvas area on which you view, create, and edit mashups. In edit mode, you can customize page layouts to achieve a unique look for your mashups.

page menu

The page menu is the list of page options that display directly beside the name of the current page at the top of the Lotus Mashups browser. You can use the page menu to share pages with others, publish pages to the catalog, edit page properties, and delete pages.


In Lotus Mashups Workshop, in edit mode, the toolbox is the area that contains drawers of widgets. You can add new widgets to the toolbox and organize them to meet your needs. From the toolbox, you can drag widgets into the hidden widgets corral and also change the page layout.

view mode

In Lotus Mashups Workshop, view mode is a page state in which you can view and use mashups but cannot edit them.


A widget is a small, portable application or piece of dynamic content that can easily be placed into a Web page or an embedded browser within a rich client. Widgets can be written in any language (Java, .NET, PHP, and more) or can be a simple HTML fragment. Widgets that pass events can be wired together to create mashups. Widgets are called different names by different vendors, for example gadgets, blocks, and flakes.

You can create widgets with a variety of tools. These include Eclipse, WebSphere sMash, or even Notepad. To ease the widget creation and deployment process, Lotus Mashups includes Lotus Widget Factory, an Eclipse-based rapid widget creation environment.

wiring graph

In Lotus Mashups Workshop, in edit mode, the wiring graph is a diagram that shows graphically how the selected widget is wired to other widgets on the page. The wiring graph provides an easy way to confirm which widgets are successfully wired together on the page.

Parent topic:

Overview of portal mashup integration