Mashup spaces
With mashup spaces, users can group their mashup pages together and store the spaces as templates, if they have the required access rights. They can then create further spaces from these templates.
As in the IBM Mashup Center, the Space Manager and the Space Selector are used to work with Mashup spaces.
The set of available operations in the Space Manager in the portal is similar as for the Space Manager in the Mashup Center, but not identical. The capability to export and import spaces is not supported by the Space Manager in the portal. The space manager displays only Mashup Templates and Spaces, that is applications. It does not support work with portal applications and application templates. Users can view Mashup Spaces and Templates in the portal user interface, but the available functions are limited. For Mashup Templates only the following operations are available: Export Template, Delete Template, and Assign Template Permissions. Users can create instances of Mashup Templates only by using the Space Manage or Space Selector, but not by the existing portal user interface.
By default, the composite application policy is applied to mashup spaces.
In that policy, the value Archive the application is not defined or used. If you change this and specify Archive the application as the value for the Inactivity violation action or No-modify violation action settings, create a new policy for mashup spaces, as the value Archive the application is not applicable to mashup spaces. To create your own policy, follow the steps described under the topic about Working with policies for composite applications. For the selection attribute for the policy rule that you use for your new policy you can either use the policy selection attribute MashupSpace or the composite application category named Mashup Applications. The distinction between Mashup Templates and Portal Templates is determined by the template category that is associated with a template. All templates with the category Mashup Templates or one of its subcategories are considered to be Mashup Templates.
Adhere to this pattern. Do not add portal templates to the Mashup templates category or add Mashup Templates to another category, as this will lead to failures when working with the templates.
Templates that are stored by the Space Manager or added from the Mashup Center catalog are automatically added to the Mashup template category. By default, all authenticated users can view and add templates to the Mashup Templates category. For more detailed information about mashup spaces refer to the documentation for Mashup Center.
In mashup spaces, sharing mashup pages works differently than usual. Pages that are part of a space are always non-private pages. This means that if user shares a page with other users, these users can see the page immediately without having to accept it. Mashup spaces support in portal is based on the composite application infrastructure. However, the functions available in mashup spaces differ from spaces available in composite applications.
Table 1. between portal pages and mashup pages
Mashup spaces Composite application spaces Roles In mashup spaces there is a fix list of roles that cannot be changed. In composite applications new roles can be created. Backup and restore for layout, customization, members Yes, if defined in template settings. yes Template can be imported from a Mashup Center catalog yes no Ability to define categories for templates or applications in the user interface no yes Content Widgets Portlets Access control on page level yes no Create a space from a space yes no Create a space from a template yes yes Business components no yes Composite applications policy options that can be used Last modified Last accessed
Size Last modified
Last accessed
Composite application scripting is possible yes yes Maximum application size policy applies no yes
Parent topic:
Overview of portal mashup integration
Related tasks
Work with policies for composite applications
Related information
Mashup Center information center: