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Mini Redirector Client

Windows XP supports the Mini Redirector Client that allows a deeper integration into the file system than WebFolders does by mapping a network drive.

You can map a drive letter to the WebDAV folders and consequently use any Microsoft Windows program to work with the folder hierarchy. However this client has the following restrictions:

To connect to WebDAV for WebSphere Portal by using the Mini Redirector Client...

  1. Modify the Windows registry to enable Basic Authentication:

    1. Click Start > Run.

    2. Type regedit and click OK.

    3. In the registry editor go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters.

    4. Right click the right field and select New from the context-menu.

    5. Select DWord-Value.

    6. Name the new value UseBasicAuth.

    7. Right click UseBasicAuth and select Modify.

    8. Change the value from 0 for disabled to 1 for enabled and click OK.

  2. Map a drive letter to the portal:

    1. Open a DOS box command prompt.

    2. Type the command. For example, for working with portal pages and static content this could be:

      net use * http://remote_host:10040/webdav/dav/contentmodel/wps.content.root/

    3. Press Enter.

You can now use Windows applications to browse and edit your page hierarchy.

Parent topic:

WebDAV clients supported by Microsoft Windows

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