Interface XMIMenuService

All Superinterfaces:

Deprecated. since 6.0. Support of the IBM portlet API may be removed in a future release of WebSphere Portal. Use of the Java Portlet API (javax.portlet) is recommended instead.

public interface XMIMenuService
extends PortletService

XMIMenuService is a portlet service that allows the creation of a static out-of-the-box portlet menu implementation that greatly facilitates the implementation of the MenuProvider interface. The content of the static tree is based of a custom XMI file. This service creates a menu tree using XMI (EXtended Markup Interface). The tree configuration is completely stored in an XML file which is accessed through an Reader instance. A menu tree instance that is created by the XMIMenuService also exposes the following controller interfaces: MenuTreeInfoCopyCtrl.

The syntax of the XML file is described in the DTD file menu−tree.dtd. Once the portal navigation displayed a static tree on a page, it will not change until either the portlet is deactivated, deleted from the page, or the corresponding portlet application is updated or re-installed.

The following code sample shows how MenuProvider.getMenu( can be implemented to return a MenuTree using MemoryMenuService.

 public MenuTree getMenu(MenuContext menuContext) throws PortletException
     // services
     XMIMenuService service = null;
         service = (XMIMenuService) portletContext.getService(XMIMenuService.class);
     catch ( org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.service.PortletServiceUnavailableException e )
         throw new PortletException("XMIMenuTreePortlet: XMI Service is unavailable");
     catch ( org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.service.PortletServiceNotFoundException e )
         throw new PortletException("XMIMenuTreePortlet: XMI Service not found");
     // inputStreamReader reads XML file
     menuTree = service.getMenuTree(inputStreamReader, menuContext);


Method Summary
 MenuTree,">getMenuTree( menuTreeStream, MenuContext menuContext)
          Deprecated. Creates a static menu tree from an XML file which is accessed through a Reader.

Method Detail,">


MenuTree getMenuTree( menuTreeStream,
                     MenuContext menuContext)
Creates a static menu tree from an XML file which is accessed through a Reader.

menuTreeStream - reads the XML file with the tree configuration
menuContext - context that stores request/response IDs
static XMI menu tree