Interface MenuProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
MemoryMenuTreePortlet, XMIMenuTreePortlet

Deprecated. since 6.0. Support of the IBM portlet API may be removed in a future release of WebSphere Portal. Use of the Java Portlet API (javax.portlet) is recommended instead.

public interface MenuProvider

Portlets implement the MenuProvider interface to provide portlet specific entries to the portal navigation.

Overview: Portlet Menus

Portlet Menus allow a portlet to add menu entries to the navigation tree of the portal. In the menu hierarchy, for each portlet that implements the MenuProvider interface a tree is added under the page that contains the portlet. The root node of this tree represents the portlet, all subnodes represent menu entries of the Portlet Menu. The getMenu method returns a tree model instance of MenuTree by which the Portal Framework can access the data structure of the Portlet Menu.

Viewing tree topology and information

The tree model MenuTree provides methods to get information about the tree topology, i.e., which parent node has which child nodes, and return instances of MenuNode. The methods of MenuNode allow to view node-specific information, i.e., title, description, scope, and URL.

See Also:
This interface is designed to be implemented by clients.

Method Summary
 MenuTree getMenu(MenuContext menuContext)
          Deprecated. Interface to be implemented by portlets to return a tree model.

Method Detail


MenuTree getMenu(MenuContext menuContext)
                 throws PortletException

Interface to be implemented by portlets to return a tree model.

menuContext - context for this menu containing request/response IDs
the menu tree
PortletException - if tree cannot be created
See Also:
MenuTree, MenuContext