Interface PortalStateManagerServiceHome

public interface PortalStateManagerServiceHome

Home interface that can be looked up in JNDI and that provides access to the portal state manager service.

     PortalStateManagerServiceHome psh;
     javax.naming.Context ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
     try {
          psh = (PortalStateManagerServiceHome) 
     } catch(javax.naming.NameNotFoundException ex) {
          ... error handling ...
     // request the service via the home interface
     PortalStateManagerService service = psh.getPortalStateManagerService(request, response);



Method Summary
 PortalStateManagerService getPortalStateManagerService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
          Returns a PortalStateManagerService instance which is valid within the scope of one request.
 PortalStateManagerService getPortalStateManagerService(ServerContext context, java.util.Locale locale, Profile profile, boolean isProtected, boolean isSecure)
          Returns a PortalStateManagerService instance.

Method Detail


PortalStateManagerService getPortalStateManagerService(HttpServletRequest request,
                                                       HttpServletResponse response)
                                                       throws StateManagerException
Returns a PortalStateManagerService instance which is valid within the scope of one request. Storing the instance across requests causes errors.

request - The current servlet request. Must not be null.
response - The current servlet response. Must not be null.
A configured PortalStateManagerService instance. Not null.
StateManagerException - In case that the service cannot be retrieved.


PortalStateManagerService getPortalStateManagerService(ServerContext context,
                                                       java.util.Locale locale,
                                                       Profile profile,
                                                       boolean isProtected,
                                                       boolean isSecure)
                                                       throws StateManagerException
Returns a PortalStateManagerService instance. Note that the returned service instance is not tied to a servlet request or response. Use this method in server-side artifacts (e.g. EJBs) that do not have access to the current servlet request and servlet response.

context - ServerContext providing information about the server (e.g. hostname, context path, server port etc.). Must not be null.
locale - A Locale object which is needed to create resource URLs that address locale-specific resources (e.g. icons). May be null.
profile - CCPP profile that characterizes the capabilities of a certain user agent. May be null.
isProtected - Boolean flag that indicates whether URLs generated with the returned service should point to the protected area by default.
isSecure - Boolean flag that indicates whether URLs generated with the returned service should result in a secure https connection by default.
A configured PortalStateManagerService instance. Not null.
StateManagerException - In case that the service cannot be retrieved.