Interface PortalStateManagerService

All Superinterfaces:
Disposable, StateManagerService

public interface PortalStateManagerService
extends StateManagerService

Portal service providing methods to create new state holders and to inspect existing state holders via so-called state accessors. State accessors may be requested via the factories returned by the getAccessorFactory(Class) method. Usually each accessor factory handles one particular state aspect (e.g. "page selection").
The portal service is accessed via a JNDI lookup using the lookup name "portal:service/state/PortalStateManager".
Coding example for accessing this service:

     PortalStateManagerServiceHome psh;
     javax.naming.Context ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
     try {
          psh = (PortalStateManagerServiceHome) 
     } catch(javax.naming.NameNotFoundException ex) {
          ... error handling ...
     // request the service via the home interface
     PortalStateManagerService service = psh.getPortalStateManagerService(request, response);

The returned PortalStateManagerServiceHome object is valid for the lifetime of the portal. It is recommended to perform the JNDI lookup in the init() method of a servlet and store the PortalStateManagerServiceHome object home in an instance variable. Note that it is not permitted to access references to the actual service for longer than one request. The service must be retrieved again from the PortalStateManagerServiceHome object whenever it is used in another request.
This interface is derived from the Disposable interface to allow implementations to pool instances of this service. Therefore IBM recommends to invoke the dispose() method when the service is not needed any more or at the end of the current request at the latest.


Method Summary
 StateHolderController newState()
          Creates a new modifiable state holder.
Methods inherited from interface
getAccessorFactory, getURLFactory
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


StateHolderController newState()
                               throws CannotCreateDocumentException
Creates a new modifiable state holder. This method is typically only called once during one request and should be the first operation on this service. The state holder may then be modified using accessor retrieved via the getAccessorFactory method.

Reference to a new empty state holder (will not be null).
CannotCreateDocumentException - The document could not be generated