Interface ResettableAtomContentHandler

All Superinterfaces:
AtomContentHandler, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler, ResettableContentHandler
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
LeafAtomContentHandler, ResettableAtomContentHandlerAdapter

public interface ResettableAtomContentHandler
extends AtomContentHandler

Extension of AtomContentHandler that allows to builds processing chains of these handlers.


Method Summary
 AtomContentHandler getAtomContentHandler()
          Returns the atom content handler that is currently attached to the chain
 void setAtomContentHandler(AtomContentHandler aHandler)
          Assign a new ATOM content handler that this handler will reroute its events onto.
Methods inherited from interface
endAuthor, endCategory, endContent, endContributor, endEMail, endEntry, endFeed, endGenerator, endIcon, endId, endLink, endLogo, endName, endPublished, endRights, endSource, endSubtitle, endSummary, endTitle, endUpdated, endURI, startAuthor, startCategory, startContent, startContributor, startEMail, startEntry, startFeed, startGenerator, startIcon, startId, startLink, startLogo, startName, startPublished, startRights, startSource, startSubtitle, startSummary, startTitle, startUpdated, startURI
Methods inherited from interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
characters, endDocument, endElement, endPrefixMapping, ignorableWhitespace, processingInstruction, setDocumentLocator, skippedEntity, startDocument, startElement, startPrefixMapping

Method Detail


void setAtomContentHandler(AtomContentHandler aHandler)
Assign a new ATOM content handler that this handler will reroute its events onto. If the content handler is not assigned, then the events will be silently ignored

aHandler - target content handler for the events.


AtomContentHandler getAtomContentHandler()
Returns the atom content handler that is currently attached to the chain

the target content handler