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public interface DefaultAtomThreadingContentHandler
Extension of the AtomThreadingContentHandler interface that provides convenience methods to more easily generate ATOM threading events.
The atomXXX
methods generate complete ATOM tags, consisting of
the start tag, an optional body and an end tag.
The startXXX
methods are provided for convenience for those
cases when no extra attributes are required for a starting element.
The dateTime
methods write a date string in RFC3339 date
format into a text() element.
The uri
methods serialize URIs into a text() element.
The text
methods serialize text() elements.
Method Summary | |
void | atomInReplyTo(java.lang.String rRef,
java.lang.String oHref,
java.lang.String oSource,
java.lang.String oType)
Writes the start and the end tag for "thr:in-reply-to". |
void | atomInReplyTo(java.net.URL rRef,
java.net.URL oHref,
java.net.URL oSource,
java.lang.String oType)
Writes the start and the end tag for "thr:in-reply-to". |
void | atomTotal(int total)
Writes the start and the end tag for "thr:total". |
void | startInReplyTo(java.lang.String rRef,
java.lang.String oHref,
java.lang.String oSource,
java.lang.String oType)
Indicates the start of an thr:in-reply-to entry.
void | startInReplyTo(java.net.URL rRef,
java.net.URL oHref,
java.net.URL oSource,
java.lang.String oType)
Indicates the start of an thr:in-reply-to entry.
void | startTotal()
Indicates the start of an thr:total entry.
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.portal.resolver.atom.ResettableAtomThreadingContentHandler |
getAtomThreadingContentHandler, setAtomThreadingContentHandler |
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.portal.resolver.atom.AtomThreadingContentHandler |
endInReplyTo, endTotal, startInReplyTo, startTotal |
Methods inherited from interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler |
characters, endDocument, endElement, endPrefixMapping, ignorableWhitespace, processingInstruction, setDocumentLocator, skippedEntity, startDocument, startElement, startPrefixMapping |
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.portal.resolver.xml.DefaultContentHandler |
dateTime, dateTime, getInnerContentHandler, getWriter, number, number, text, text, uri, uri, uri, uri |
Method Detail |
void startInReplyTo(java.lang.String rRef, java.lang.String oHref, java.lang.String oSource, java.lang.String oType) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Indicates the start of an thr:in-reply-to
The "in-reply-to" element is used to indicate that an entry is a response to another resource. The element MUST contain a "ref" attribute identifying the resource that is being responded to.
The element is not unlike the references and in-reply-to email message headers defined by [RFC2822]. However, unlike the in-reply-to header, the "in-reply-to" element is required to identify the unique identifier of only a single parent resource. If the entry is a response to multiple resources, additional "in-reply-to" elements MAY be used. There is no direct equivalent to the references header, which lists the unique identifiers of each preceding message in a thread.
The "ref" attribute specifies the persistent, universally unique identifier of the resource being responded to. The value MUST conform to the same construction and comparison rules as the value of the atom:id element as defined in section 4.2.6 of [RFC4287]. Though the IRI might use a dereferenceable scheme, processors MUST NOT assume it can be dereferenced.
The "source" attribute MAY be used to specify the IRI [RFC3987] of an Atom Feed or Entry Document containing an atom:entry with an atom:id value equal to the value of the "ref" attribute. The IRI specified, once appropriately mapped to a corresponding URI, MUST be dereferenceable.
The "type" attribute MAY be used to provide a hint to the client about the media type [RFC4288] of the resource identified by the "href" attribute. The "type" attribute is only meaningful if a corresponding "href" attribute is also provided.
void startInReplyTo(java.net.URL rRef, java.net.URL oHref, java.net.URL oSource, java.lang.String oType) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Indicates the start of an thr:in-reply-to
The "in-reply-to" element is used to indicate that an entry is a response to another resource. The element MUST contain a "ref" attribute identifying the resource that is being responded to.
The element is not unlike the references and in-reply-to email message headers defined by [RFC2822]. However, unlike the in-reply-to header, the "in-reply-to" element is required to identify the unique identifier of only a single parent resource. If the entry is a response to multiple resources, additional "in-reply-to" elements MAY be used. There is no direct equivalent to the references header, which lists the unique identifiers of each preceding message in a thread.
The "ref" attribute specifies the persistent, universally unique identifier of the resource being responded to. The value MUST conform to the same construction and comparison rules as the value of the atom:id element as defined in section 4.2.6 of [RFC4287]. Though the IRI might use a dereferenceable scheme, processors MUST NOT assume it can be dereferenced.
The "source" attribute MAY be used to specify the IRI [RFC3987] of an Atom Feed or Entry Document containing an atom:entry with an atom:id value equal to the value of the "ref" attribute. The IRI specified, once appropriately mapped to a corresponding URI, MUST be dereferenceable.
The "type" attribute MAY be used to provide a hint to the client about the media type [RFC4288] of the resource identified by the "href" attribute. The "type" attribute is only meaningful if a corresponding "href" attribute is also provided.
void startTotal() throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Indicates the start of an thr:total
The "total" element is used to indicate the total number of unique responses to an entry known to the publisher. Its content MUST be an unsigned non-negative integer value conforming to the canonical representation of the XML Schema nonNegativeInteger data type [W3C.REC-xmlschema-2-20041028].
void atomInReplyTo(java.lang.String rRef, java.lang.String oHref, java.lang.String oSource, java.lang.String oType) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
The "in-reply-to" element is used to indicate that an entry is a response to another resource. The element MUST contain a "ref" attribute identifying the resource that is being responded to.
The element is not unlike the references and in-reply-to email message headers defined by [RFC2822]. However, unlike the in-reply-to header, the "in-reply-to" element is required to identify the unique identifier of only a single parent resource. If the entry is a response to multiple resources, additional "in-reply-to" elements MAY be used. There is no direct equivalent to the references header, which lists the unique identifiers of each preceding message in a thread.
The "ref" attribute specifies the persistent, universally unique identifier of the resource being responded to. The value MUST conform to the same construction and comparison rules as the value of the atom:id element as defined in section 4.2.6 of [RFC4287]. Though the IRI might use a dereferenceable scheme, processors MUST NOT assume it can be dereferenced.
The "source" attribute MAY be used to specify the IRI [RFC3987] of an Atom Feed or Entry Document containing an atom:entry with an atom:id value equal to the value of the "ref" attribute. The IRI specified, once appropriately mapped to a corresponding URI, MUST be dereferenceable.
The "type" attribute MAY be used to provide a hint to the client about the media type [RFC4288] of the resource identified by the "href" attribute. The "type" attribute is only meaningful if a corresponding "href" attribute is also provided.
void atomInReplyTo(java.net.URL rRef, java.net.URL oHref, java.net.URL oSource, java.lang.String oType) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
The "in-reply-to" element is used to indicate that an entry is a response to another resource. The element MUST contain a "ref" attribute identifying the resource that is being responded to.
The element is not unlike the references and in-reply-to email message headers defined by [RFC2822]. However, unlike the in-reply-to header, the "in-reply-to" element is required to identify the unique identifier of only a single parent resource. If the entry is a response to multiple resources, additional "in-reply-to" elements MAY be used. There is no direct equivalent to the references header, which lists the unique identifiers of each preceding message in a thread.
The "ref" attribute specifies the persistent, universally unique identifier of the resource being responded to. The value MUST conform to the same construction and comparison rules as the value of the atom:id element as defined in section 4.2.6 of [RFC4287]. Though the IRI might use a dereferenceable scheme, processors MUST NOT assume it can be dereferenced.
The "source" attribute MAY be used to specify the IRI [RFC3987] of an Atom Feed or Entry Document containing an atom:entry with an atom:id value equal to the value of the "ref" attribute. The IRI specified, once appropriately mapped to a corresponding URI, MUST be dereferenceable.
The "type" attribute MAY be used to provide a hint to the client about the media type [RFC4288] of the resource identified by the "href" attribute. The "type" attribute is only meaningful if a corresponding "href" attribute is also provided.
void atomTotal(int total) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
The "total" element is used to indicate the total number of unique responses to an entry known to the publisher. Its content MUST be an unsigned non-negative integer value conforming to the canonical representation of the XML Schema nonNegativeInteger data type [W3C.REC-xmlschema-2-20041028].
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