
This package defines content elements of the portal and its surrounding infrastructure.


Interface Summary
BookmarkableFlag An interface providing the bookmarkable flag.
CompositionMetrics Deprecated. this interface is superceded by LayoutMetrics An interface describing metrics information for a node in a composition.
ContentLabel Interface describing a content node of type label (ContentNodeType.LABEL).
ContentMetaDataModel A model for accessing aggregated MetaData of content model nodes.
ContentModel<E extends Object & ContentNode> Interface for a content model.
ContentModelController<T extends ContentNode,M extends ModifiableContentNode> A controller interface for the ContentModel interface.
ContentNode Interface of a content node.
ContentNodeCreationContext A node creation context for ContentNodes.
ContentPage An interface for a content node representing a page.
ContentPageCreationContext A page creation context for ContentPages.
ContentURL An interface for a content node representing an internal or external URL.
ControlLocator A locator for finding LayoutControls in a layout model.
DerivedContentPageCreationContext A content page creation context for pages that explicitly derive from another page.
ExternalContentURL An interface for a content node representing an external URL.
InternalContentURL An interface for a content node representing an internal URL.
LayoutContainer An interface representing a container in a LayoutModel.
LayoutControl An interface for layout nodes representing portlet windows.
LayoutControlCreationContext A node creation context for LayoutControls.
LayoutMetrics An interface describing metrics information for a node in a layout model.
LayoutModel<E extends Object & LayoutNode> This interface provides a tree model for the layout of a page.
LayoutModelController<T extends LayoutNode,M extends ModifiableLayoutNode> A controller interface for the LayoutModel interface.
LayoutNode An interface for the nodes of a LayoutModel.
ModifiableBookmarkableFlag An interface representing a modifiable bookmarkable flag instance.
ModifiableContentLabel An interface representing a modifiable content label instance.
ModifiableContentNode An interface representing a modifiable content node instance.
ModifiableContentPage An interface representing a modifiable content page instance.
ModifiableContentURL An interface representing a modifiable content URL instance.
ModifiableExternalContentURL An interface representing a modifiable external content URL instance.
ModifiableInternalContentURL An interface representing a modifiable internal content URL instance.
ModifiableLayoutContainer An interface representing a modifiable layout container instance.
ModifiableLayoutControl An interface representing a modifiable layout control instance.
ModifiableLayoutMetrics An interface representing modifiable layout metrics.
ModifiableLayoutNode An interface representing a modifiable layout node instance.
ModifiableRenderAspect An interface representing modifiable render aspects.
ModifiableShareableFlag An interface representing a modifiable shareable flag instance.
RenderAspect This interface represents aspects important for rendering elements of the containment model.
ShareableFlag This flag indicates whether the content node can be shared or not.
ThemeProvider An interface that allows the retrieval of a Theme that is associated with a portal resource.
ThemeSetter An interface representing a modifiable resource on which a theme can be set.

Class Summary
ContentNodeType This class enumerates content node types.
Orientation The Orientation class is a finite enumeration of the possible orientations that a container can operate at.

Package Description

This package defines content elements of the portal and its surrounding infrastructure.

Package Specification

The portal holds a tree structure of its content elements. This is represented with the ContentModel. Its elements represent pages with content, labels or URLs. The model is specific to a given user, i.e. the content model might look different to different users due to access control settings.
Each single page consists of layout information (containers) and content (portlets). A page is represented by the LayoutModel.

Further, this package defines fine-granular interfaces for the models contained in this package. This includes interfaces for the elements of the models as well as locators for search in these models.