Interface Theme

All Superinterfaces:
ActiveFlag, Decoration, Identifiable, Localized, MarkupCapable, TimeStamped

public interface Theme
extends Decoration, TimeStamped, Identifiable, MarkupCapable, Localized

Model interface for portal themes. Themes determine how portal pages look like.

A Theme object provides the following data:

Resource root directory (required)
specifies the relative directory where the resources are located.
Activation flag (required)
describes whether or not this theme is active. Inactive themes can be administered, but are ignored during rendering
System flag (required)
describes whether or not this theme is a system theme.
Default flag (required)
describes whether or not this theme is the portal default theme. The default theme is chosen if no theme is returned from a ThemeProvider.
Languages list (optional)
Contains the list of supported languages. If this list exists for a theme, the theme has language specific parts. Then, this list returns the set of languages that are supported with this theme.
Default language (optional)
Specifies the default language of the theme. Normally, this flag makes only sense if there is a language list defined for a theme (see above). If so, the default language denotes the language element of the list above that is chosen by the portal if the theme is rendered for a language that does not match with one of the languages in the language list.
Default skin (optional)
returns the default skin that should be chosen for this theme.
The title of the theme in different locales.
The description of the theme in different locales.
Markup list
A list of markups that are supported by this theme.

Theme objects are returned by ThemeList models or ThemeProvider objects.


Method Summary
 ObjectID getDefaultSkinObjectID()
          Returns the object ID of the default skin for the theme.
Methods inherited from interface
getContextRoot, getDefaultLocale, getResourceRoot, isActive, isDefault, isSystem
Methods inherited from interface
getDescription, getLocales, getTitle
Methods inherited from interface
getCreated, getLastModified
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
getMarkups,">supportsMarkup, supportsMarkup

Method Detail


ObjectID getDefaultSkinObjectID()
                                throws ModelException
Returns the object ID of the default skin for the theme.

the default skin ObjecID, or null if none is defined.
ModelException - if an error occured while accessing model information