Portal, V6.1
Create the AMJRTE properties file
You must create the AMJRTE properties files before configuring Tivoli Access Manager for authentication, authorization, Credential vault, and/or user provisioning.
To create the AMJRTE properties file:
- Edit wkplc_comp.properties file:
Option Description Windows in WP_PROFILE\ConfigEngine\properties directory UNIX in WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties directory i5/OS in WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties directory - Enter only the following parameters in the wkplc_comp.properties file under the AMJRTE connection parameters heading:
- For wp.ac.impl.PDAdminId type the user ID for the administrative Tivoli Access Manager user.
- For wp.ac.impl.PDAminPwd type the password for the administrative Tivoli Access Manager user.
- For wp.ac.impl.PDPermPath type the location of the Tivoli Access Manager AMJRTE properties file.
- For wp.ac.impl.PDServerName, type the unique application name used to create a new Tivoli server in the Access Manager Policy server.
- For wp.ac.impl.SvrSslCfgPort, type the configuration port for the application name.
- For wp.ac.impl.SvrSslCfgMode, type the configuration mode of the SvrSslCfg command.
- For wp.ac.impl.TamHost, type the name of the Tivoli Access Manager Policy server used when running PDJrteCfg.
- For wp.ac.impl.PDPolicyServerList, type the hostname, port, and priority combinations for your Tivoli Access Manager Policy servers used when running SvrSslCfg.
- For wp.ac.impl.PDAuthzServerList, type the hostname, port, and priority combination for your Tivoli Access Manager authorization servers.
- For the wp.ac.impl.PDKeyPath, type the encryption keys used for the SSL communication between AMJRTE and Tivoli Access Manager.
- Save changes to the wkplc_comp.properties file.
- Run the following task to create the AMJRTE properties file:
Option Description Windows ConfigEngine.bat run-svrssl-config -Dwp.ac.impl.PDAminPwd=wpsadmin from the WP_PROFILE\ConfigEngine. UNIX ./ConfigEngine.sh run-svrssl-config -Dwp.ac.impl.PDAminPwd=wpsadmin from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine. i5/OS ConfigEngine.sh run-svrssl-config -Dwp.ac.impl.PDAminPwd=wpsadmin from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine. If the configuration task fails, validate the values in the wkplc_comp.properties file.
The following files are created:
Operating System File Directory Windows C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\jre\PolicyDirector\PdPerm.properties C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\jre\lib\security\PdPerm.ks
UNIX /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre/PolicyDirector/PdPerm.properties /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre/lPdPerm.ks
i5/OS /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre/PolicyDirector/PdPerm.properties /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre/lPdPerm.ks
Parent topic
Configure Tivoli Access Manager