### ### ### Licensed Materials - Property of IBM ### ### 5724-L21 ### ### Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 All Rights Reserved. ### ### US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or ### disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with ### IBM Corp. ### ### ### ### ### Workplace Component Configuration File ### ### key = value ### ### Do NOT enclose any value in quotes! ### Windows paths must use '/', not ''. ### Windows long paths are OK ### ### Properties are immutable. Once set, they cannot be overriden. ### ### Precedence is as follows, in decending order: ### ### Properties set on command line are read first (-DMyNode=somenode) ### Properties set in properties file are read next, ### Properties set in buildfile file are read last. ### ### ### BEGIN PREREQ.WCM PROPERTIES ### ### ### PREREQ.WCM loaded from: ### ### /usr/IBM/WPTL61/PortalServer/wcm/prereq.wcm/prereq.wcm.properties ### ### Web Content Management (WCM) Properties ### ### Group ID for the WCM Administrator group ### ### DEV (No security): WcmAdminGroupId=<wcmadmingroupid>,o=default organization ### ### LDAP examples: ### ### IBM Directory Server: { cn=<wcmadmingroupid>,cn=groups,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### Domino: { cn=<wcmadmingroupid>} ### Active Directory: { cn=<wcmadmingroupid>,cn=groups,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### Active Directory AM: { cn=<wcmadmingroupid>,cn=groups,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### SunOne: { cn=<wcmadmingroupid>,ou=groups,o=yourco.com } ### Novell eDirectory { cn=<wcmadmingroupid>,ou=groups,o=yourco.com } WcmAdminGroupId=cn=wcmadmins,o=default organization ### WCM admin group ID WcmAdminGroupCN=wcmadmins ### Group ID for the WCM Administrator group ### ### DEV (No security): WcmContentAuthorsGroupId=<contentauthorsgroupid>,o=default organization ### ### LDAP examples: ### IBM Directory Server: { cn=<contentauthorsgroupid>,cn=groups,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### Domino: { cn=<contentauthorsgroupid>} ### Active Directory: { cn=<contentauthorsgroupid>,cn=groups,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### Active Directory AM: { cn=<contentauthorsgroupid>,cn=groups,dc=yourco,dc=com } ### SunOne: { cn=<contentauthorsgroupid>,ou=groups,o=yourco.com } ### Novell eDirectory { cn=<contentauthorsgroupid>,ou=groups,o=yourco.com } WcmContentAuthorsGroupId=CN=wcmContentAuthors ### WCM admin group ID WcmContentAuthorsGroupCN=contentAuthors ### ### Properties required for importing and exporting of migration data ### WpsContentAdministrators=cn=wpsContentAdministrators,o=default organization WpsDocReviewer=cn=wpsDocReviewer,o=default organization ### END PREREQ.WCM PROPERTIES ### ### BEGIN PREREQ.JCR PROPERTIES ### ### ### PREREQ.JCR loaded from: ### ### /usr/IBM/WPTL61/PortalServer/jcr/prereq.jcr/prereq.jcr.properties ### ### DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition Database Properties - BEGIN ### ### Directory for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition's binary value files JcrBinaryValueFileDir=${WasUserHome}/PortalServer/jcr/binaryValues ### Directory for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition's search index files JcrSearchFileDir=${WasUserHome}/PortalServer/jcr/search ### Debug level for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database utilities JcrDebugLevel=2 ### Indicates whether or not the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database is unicode. ### Y: is unicode ### N: is NOT unicode JcrDbUnicode=Y ### The name of application server with a configured ### Business Process Container JcrBPCServerName=server1 ### The user for the Promote J2C alias JcrJMSJAASUser=ReplaceWithYourJMSUserId ### The password for the Promote J2C alias JcrJMSJAASPassword=ReplaceWithYourJMSPwd ### Type of JMS Provider ### mq: {WebSphere MQ JMS Provider} ### embedded: {WebSphere JMS Provider} JcrJMSType=embedded ### name of the WebSphere MQ Queue Manager ### This value is not needed for WebSphere Embedded Messaging JcrMQQueueManager= ### ### DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition Database Properties - END ### ### END PREREQ.JCR PROPERTIES ### ### BEGIN WP.CONFIG.WIZARD PROPERTIES ### ### ### WP.CONFIG.WIZARD loaded from: ### ### /usr/IBM/WPTL61/PortalServer/installer/wp.config.wizard/wp.config.wizard.properties #properties for wp.config.wizard goes here, pls start with wp.config.wizard.<key> = ... ### END WP.CONFIG.WIZARD PROPERTIES ### ### BEGIN PREREQ.PZN PROPERTIES ### ### ### PREREQ.PZN loaded from: ### ### /usr/IBM/WPTL61/PortalServer/pzn/prereq.pzn/prereq.pzn.properties ### ### Examples for DbType and DbUrl ### ### The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal ### DB2: { db2 } ### Oracle: { oracle } ### MS SQL Server 2005: { sqlserver2005 } ### Derby: { derby } ### DB2 for iSeries: { db2_iseries } ### DB2 for z/OS: { db2_zos } ### The wps database URL ### The database element of this value should match the value of DbName ### For DB2 Type 4 driver use jdbc:db2://<YourDatabaseServer>:<port>/wpsdb:returnAlias=0; ### The port is usually 50000 (Windows) or 50001 (Linux). ### On z/OS, the database element of this value should match the location ### name of the database to be used when establishing connections with ### the DB2 datasource used by WebSphere Portal ### derby: { jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true } ### db2 (type 2): { jdbc:db2:wpsdb } ### db2 (type 4): { jdbc:db2://<YourDatabaseServer>:50000/wpsdb:returnAlias=0; } ### db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPS60 } ### db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS60 } ### db2_zos: { jdbc:db2:<location> } ### db2_zos (remote, type 2): { jdbc:db2:wpsdb } ### db2_zos (remote, type 4): { jdbc:db2://<YourDatabaseServer>:<port>/<location> } ### oracle (type 4, thin): { jdbc:oracle:thin:@<YourDatabaseServer>:1521:wpsdb } ### sqlserver2005 (Microsoft): { jdbc:sqlserver://<YourDatabaseServer>:1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=wpsdb } ### sqlserver2005 (DataDirect): { jdbc:datadirect:sqlserver://<YourDatabaseServer>:1433;DatabaseName=wpsdb } ### AdminUrl: The database URL for sqlserver administation ### sqlserver2005 (Microsoft): { jdbc:sqlserver://<YourDatabaseServer>:1433} ### sqlserver2005 (DataDirect): { jdbc:datadirect:sqlserver://<YourDatabaseServer>:1433} ### ### Examples for DbType and DbUrl ### ### ### Personalization Feedback Database Properties ### ### The type of database to be used for Feedback feedback.DbType=derby ### The name of the Feedback database ### This value should also appear as the database element in feedback.DbUrl ### Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only: This value is the TCPIP Alias for the database. feedback.DbName=wpsdb ### DbSchema: The Feedback database schema name ### Follow the documentation of the target database management system ### in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for ### some database management systems. feedback.DbSchema=FEEDBACK ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbNameOnZos: ### If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote Feedback database. ### If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. feedback.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 ### DataSourceName: The name of datasource to be used for Feedback feedback.DataSourceName=wpdbDS ### DbUrl: The Feedback database URL feedback.DbUrl=jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true ### DbUser: The database administrator user ID feedback.DbUser=db2admin ### DbPassword: The database administrator password feedback.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### DBA user for privledged access operations during creation of this database type feedback.DBA.DbUser=db2admin ### DBA password for privledged access operations during creation of this database type feedback.DBA.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDBAPwd ### This is the root location for the database. ### ** For Oracle this is the location on the remote or local machine for create the tablespaces ### ** For SQLServer this is the location locally to store the database files ### **NOTE** SQLServer Windows Only: This path must use \\ instead of / ### **NOTE** SQLServer Only: <instance> in the path below may or may not be there in your installation. ### Oracle: { <oracle>/product/10.1.0/db_1 } ### SQLServer: { C:\\Microsoft SQL Server\\<instance>\\MSSQL } ### Used to specify the location (remote or locally) to create the tablespaces for Oracle feedback.DbHome=ReplaceWithYourDbHomeDir ### **Required for SQL Server only** ### The sqlserver URL without a database attached. This is used to connect to SQL Server for DBA operations ### *NOTE* See examples at the top of this section feedback.AdminUrl=ReplaceWithYourAdminUrl ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 ** ### **Required only for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver ### XDbName:The name of the Feedback database feedback.XDbName=fdbk6TCP ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 ** ### DbNode: This value is the node for the Feedback database ### and needs to be set if you want to call create-database feedback.DbNode=pznNode ### **Required for MS SQL Server 2005 only** ### DbHostName: The hostname of the Feedback database. feedback.DbHostName=myserver ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbTablespace: The name of the feedback database tablespace. feedback.DbTablespace=fdbkdbts ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbStorageGroup: The storage group for the WebSphere Portal feedback database feedback.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVolumes: The volumes for the WebSphere Portal feedback database feedback.DbVolumes=* ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVcat: The VCAT for the WebSphere Portal feedback database feedback.DbVcat=DSN810 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal feedback database feedback.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP2 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db32KBufferPoolName: The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal feedback database feedback.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K ### DbType: The type of database to be used for Feedback source.feedback.DbType=derby ### DbName: The name of the Feedback database ### This value should also appear as the database element in feedback.DbUrl ### Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only: This value is the TCPIP Alias for the database. source.feedback.DbName=wpsdb ### DbSchema: The Feedback database schema name ### Follow the documentation of the target database management system ### in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for ### some database management systems. source.feedback.DbSchema=FEEDBACK ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbNameOnZos: ### If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote Feedback database. ### If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. source.feedback.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 ### DataSourceName: The name of datasource to be used for Feedback source.feedback.DataSourceName=wpdbDS ### DbUrl: The Feedback database URL source.feedback.DbUrl=jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true ### DbUser: The database administrator user ID source.feedback.DbUser=db2admin ### DbPassword: The database administrator password source.feedback.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** ### **Required only for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver ### XDbName:The name of the Feedback database source.feedback.XDbName=fdbk6TCP ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** ### DbNode: This value is the node for the Feedback database ### and needs to be set if you want to call create-database source.feedback.DbNode=pznNode ### **Required for MS SQL Server 2005 only** ### DbHostName: The hostname of the Feedback database. source.feedback.DbHostName=myserver ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbTablespace: The name of the feedback database tablespace. source.feedback.DbTablespace=fdbkdbts ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbStorageGroup: The storage group for the WebSphere Portal feedback database source.feedback.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVolumes: The volumes for the WebSphere Portal feedback database source.feedback.DbVolumes=* ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVcat: The VCAT for the WebSphere Portal feedback database source.feedback.DbVcat=DSN810 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal feedback database source.feedback.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP2 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db32KBufferPoolName: The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal feedback database source.feedback.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K ### ### END: Personalization Feedback Database Properties ### ### ### Examples for DbType and DbUrl ### ### DbType: The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal ### DB2: { db2 } ### Oracle: { oracle } ### MS SQL Server 2005: { sqlserver2005 } ### derby: { derby } ### DB2 for iSeries: { db2_iseries } ### DB2 for z/OS: { db2_zos } ### DbUrl: The wps database URL ### The database element of this value should match the value of DbName ### For DB2 Type 4 driver use jdbc:db2://<YourDatabaseServer>:<port>/wpsdb:returnAlias=0; ### The port is usually 50000 (Windows) or 50001 (Linux). ### On z/OS, the database element of this value should match the location ### name of the database to be used when establishing connections with ### the DB2 datasource used by WebSphere Portal ### derby: { jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true } ### db2 (type 2): { jdbc:db2:wpsdb } ### db2 (type 4): { jdbc:db2://<YourDatabaseServer>:50000/wpsdb:returnAlias=0; } ### db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPS60 } ### db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS60 } ### db2_zos: { jdbc:db2:<location> } ### db2_zos (remote, type 2): { jdbc:db2:wpsdb } ### db2_zos (remote, type 4): { jdbc:db2://<YourDatabaseServer>:<port>/<location> } ### oracle: { jdbc:oracle:thin:@<YourDatabaseServer>:1521:wpsdb } ### sqlserver: { jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://<YourDatabaseServer>:1433;DatabaseName=wpsdb } ### sqlserver2005: { jdbc:datadirect:sqlserver://<YourDatabaseServer>:1433;DatabaseName=wpsdb } ### ### Examples for DbType and DbUrl ### ### ### LikeMinds Database Properties ### ### DbType: The type of database to be used for LikeMinds likeminds.DbType=derby ### DbName: The name of the LikeMinds database ### This value should also appear as the database element in likeminds.DbUrl ### Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only: This value is the TCPIP Alias for the database. likeminds.DbName=wpsdb ### DbSchema: The LikeMinds database schema name ### Follow the documentation of the target database management system ### in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for ### some database management systems. likeminds.DbSchema=likeminds ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbNameOnZos: ### If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote ### LikeMinds database. ### If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. likeminds.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 ### DataSourceName: The name of datasource to be used for LikeMinds likeminds.DataSourceName=wpdbDS ### DbUrl: The LikeMinds database URL likeminds.DbUrl=jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true ### DbUser: The database administrator user ID ### **Required for DB2, DB2 for z/OS ** likeminds.DbUser=db2admin ### DbPassword: The database administrator password likeminds.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### DBA user for privledged access operations during creation of this database type likeminds.DBA.DbUser=db2admin ### DBA password for privledged access operations during creation of this database type likeminds.DBA.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDBAPwd ### This is the root location for the database. ### ** For Oracle this is the location on the remote or local machine for create the tablespaces ### ** For SQLServer this is the location locally to store the database files ### **NOTE** SQLServer Windows Only: This path must use \\ instead of / ### **NOTE** SQLServer Only: <instance> in the path below may or may not be there in your installation. ### Oracle: { <oracle>/product/10.1.0/db_1 } ### SQLServer: { C:\\Microsoft SQL Server\\<instance>\\MSSQL } ### Used to specify the location (remote or locally) to create the tablespaces for Oracle likeminds.DbHome=ReplaceWithYourDbHomeDir ### **Required for SQL Server only** ### The sqlserver URL without a database attached. This is used to connect to SQL Server for DBA operations ### *NOTE* See examples at the top of this section likeminds.AdminUrl=ReplaceWithYourAdminUrl ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 ** ### **Required only for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver ### XDbName:The name of the LikeMinds database likeminds.XDbName=lmdb6TCP ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 ** ### DbNode: This value is the node for the LikeMinds database ### and needs to be set if you want to call create-database likeminds.DbNode=pznNode ### **Required for MS SQL Server 2005 only** ### DbHostName: The hostname of the LikeMinds database. likeminds.DbHostName=myserver ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbTablespace: The name of the LikeMinds database tablespace. likeminds.DbTablespace=lmdbts ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbStorageGroup: The storage group for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database likeminds.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVolumes: The volumes for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database likeminds.DbVolumes=* ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVcat: The VCAT for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database likeminds.DbVcat=DSN810 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database likeminds.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP2 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db32KBufferPoolName: The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database likeminds.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K ### DbType: The type of database to be used for LikeMinds source.likeminds.DbType=derby ### DbName: The name of the LikeMinds database ### This value should also appear as the database element in likeminds.DbUrl ### Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only: This value is the TCPIP Alias for the database. source.likeminds.DbName=wpsdb ### DbSchema: The LikeMinds database schema name ### Follow the documentation of the target database management system ### in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for ### some database management systems. source.likeminds.DbSchema=likeminds ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbNameOnZos: ### If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote ### LikeMinds database. ### If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. source.likeminds.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 ### DataSourceName: The name of datasource to be used for LikeMinds source.likeminds.DataSourceName=wpdbDS ### DbUrl: The LikeMinds database URL source.likeminds.DbUrl=jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true ### DbUser: The database administrator user ID ### **Required for DB2, DB2 for z/OS ** source.likeminds.DbUser=db2admin ### DbPassword: The database administrator password source.likeminds.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** ### **Required only for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver ### XDbName:The name of the LikeMinds database source.likeminds.XDbName=lmdb6TCP ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** ### DbNode: This value is the node for the LikeMinds database ### and needs to be set if you want to call create-database source.likeminds.DbNode=pznNode ### **Required for MS SQL Server 2005 only** ### DbHostName: The hostname of the LikeMinds database. source.likeminds.DbHostName=myserver ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbTablespace: The name of the LikeMinds database tablespace. source.likeminds.DbTablespace=lmdbts ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbStorageGroup: The storage group for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database source.likeminds.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVolumes: The volumes for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database source.likeminds.DbVolumes=* ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVcat: The VCAT for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database source.likeminds.DbVcat=DSN810 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database source.likeminds.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP2 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db32KBufferPoolName: The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database source.likeminds.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K ### ### END: LikeMinds Database Properties ### ### END PREREQ.PZN PROPERTIES ### ### BEGIN WP.WSRP.COMMON PROPERTIES ### ### ### WP.WSRP.COMMON loaded from: ### ### /usr/IBM/WPTL61/PortalServer/base/wp.wsrp.common/wp.wsrp.common.properties ### WsrpContextRoot: The context root for Web Services for Remote Portlets WsrpContextRoot=wsrp ### END WP.WSRP.COMMON PROPERTIES ### ### BEGIN WP.DB.IMPL PROPERTIES ### ### ### WP.DB.IMPL loaded from: ### ### /usr/IBM/WPTL61/PortalServer/base/wp.db.impl/wp.db.impl.properties ### ### Examples for DbType and DbUrl ### ### DbType: The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal ### DB2: { db2 } ### Oracle: { oracle } ### MS SQL Server 2005: { sqlserver2005 } ### Derby: { derby } ### DB2 for iSeries: { db2_iseries } ### DB2 for z/OS: { db2_zos } ### DbUrl: The wps database URL ### The database element of this value should match the value of DbName ### For DB2 Type 4 driver use jdbc:db2://<YourDatabaseServer>:<port>/wpsdb:returnAlias=0; ### The port is usually 50000 (Windows) or 50001 (Linux). ### On z/OS, the database element of this value should match the location ### name of the database to be used when establishing connections with ### the DB2 datasource used by WebSphere Portal ### derby: { jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true } ### db2 (type 2): { jdbc:db2:wpsdb } ### db2 (type 4): { jdbc:db2://<YourDatabaseServer>:50000/wpsdb:returnAlias=0; } ### db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPS60 } ### db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS60 } ### db2_zos: { jdbc:db2:<location> } ### db2_zos (remote, type 2): { jdbc:db2:wpsdb } ### db2_zos (remote, type 4): { jdbc:db2://<YourDatabaseServer>:<port>/<location> } ### oracle (type 4, thin): { jdbc:oracle:thin:@<YourDatabaseServer>:1521:wpsdb } ### sqlserver2005 (Microsoft): { jdbc:sqlserver://<YourDatabaseServer>:1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=wpsdb } ### sqlserver2005 (DataDirect): { jdbc:datadirect:sqlserver://<YourDatabaseServer>:1433;DatabaseName=wpsdb } ### AdminUrl: The database URL for sqlserver administation ### sqlserver2005 (Microsoft): { jdbc:sqlserver://<YourDatabaseServer>:1433} ### sqlserver2005 (DataDirect): { jdbc:datadirect:sqlserver://<YourDatabaseServer>:1433} ### ### Examples for DbType and DbUrl ### ### ### Release Database Properties ### ### DbType: The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal Release domain release.DbType=derby ### DbName: The name of the WebSphere Portal Release database ### This value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl ### Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. This value is the TCPIP ### Alias for the database. release.DbName=wpsdb ### DbSchema: The WebSphere Portal Release domain database schema name ### Follow the documentation of the target database management system ### in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for ### some database management systems. release.DbSchema=release ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbNameOnZos: ### If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote ### WebSphere Portal database. ### If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. release.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 ### DataSourceName: The name of datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal ### Release domain release.DataSourceName=wpdbDS ### DbUrl: The wps release domain database URL release.DbUrl=jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true ### DbUser: The database administrator user ID release.DbUser=db2admin ### DbPassword: The database administrator password release.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### DBA user for privledged access operations during creation of this database type release.DBA.DbUser=db2admin ### DBA password for privledged access operations during creation of this database type release.DBA.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDBAPwd ### This is the root location for the database. ### ** For Oracle this is the location on the remote or local machine for create the tablespaces ### ** For SQLServer this is the location locally to store the database files ### **NOTE** SQLServer Windows Only: This path must use \\ instead of / ### **NOTE** SQLServer Only: <instance> in the path below may or may not be there in your installation. ### Oracle: { <oracle>/product/10.1.0/db_1 } ### SQLServer: { C:\\Microsoft SQL Server\\<instance>\\MSSQL } ### Used to specify the location (remote or locally) to create the tablespaces for Oracle release.DbHome=ReplaceWithYourDbHomeDir ### **Required for SQL Server only** ### The sqlserver URL without a database attached. This is used to connect to SQL Server for DBA operations ### *NOTE* See examples at the top of this section release.AdminUrl=ReplaceWithYourAdminUrl ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 ** ### **Required only for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver ### XDbName: The release database alias that needs to be set if you want to call ### create-database release.XDbName=wps6TCP ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 ** ### DbNode: This value is the node for the WebSphere Portal Release domain ### database and needs to be set if you want to call create-database release.DbNode=wpsNode ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbStorageGroup: The storage group for the WebSphere Portal release database release.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVolumes: The volumes for the WebSphere Portal release database release.DbVolumes=* ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVcat: The VCAT for the WebSphere Portal release database release.DbVcat=DSN810 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbIndex4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal release database ### This bufferpool is dedicated for the indices. release.DbIndex4KBufferPoolName=BP3 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal release database release.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP2 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db32KBufferPoolName: The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal release database release.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### TablespaceTrackMod: Sets the TRACKMOD attribute of all tablespaces to the specified value. ### Refer to the DB2 for z/OS documentation about attribute TRACKMOD before ### changing this value. ### Valid values are YES and NO. release.TablespaceTrackMod=YES ### DbType: The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal Release domain source.release.DbType=derby ### DbName: The name of the WebSphere Portal Release database ### This value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl ### Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. This value is the TCPIP ### Alias for the database. source.release.DbName=wpsdb ### DbSchema: The WebSphere Portal Release domain database schema name ### Follow the documentation of the target database management system ### in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for ### some database management systems. source.release.DbSchema=release ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbNameOnZos: ### If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote ### WebSphere Portal database. ### If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. source.release.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 ### DataSourceName: The name of datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal ### Release domain source.release.DataSourceName=wpdbDS ### DbUrl: The wps release domain database URL source.release.DbUrl=jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true ### DbUser: The database administrator user ID source.release.DbUser=db2admin ### DbPassword: The database administrator password source.release.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** ### **Required only for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver ### XDbName: The release database alias that needs to be set if you want to call ### create-database source.release.XDbName=wps6TCP ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** ### DbNode: This value is the node for the WebSphere Portal Release domain ### database and needs to be set if you want to call create-database source.release.DbNode=wpsNode ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbStorageGroup: The storage group for the WebSphere Portal release database source.release.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVolumes: The volumes for the WebSphere Portal release database source.release.DbVolumes=* ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVcat: The VCAT for the WebSphere Portal release database source.release.DbVcat=DSN810 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbIndex4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal release database ### This bufferpool is dedicated for the indices. source.release.DbIndex4KBufferPoolName=BP3 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal release database source.release.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP2 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db32KBufferPoolName: The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal release database source.release.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K ### ### END: Release Database Properties ### ### ### Community Database Properties ### ### DbType: The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal Community domain community.DbType=derby ### DbName: The name of the WebSphere Portal Community domain database ### This value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl ### Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. This value is the TCPIP ### Alias for the database. community.DbName=wpsdb ### DbSchema: The WebSphere Portal Community domain database schema name ### Follow the documentation of the target database management system ### in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for ### some database management systems. community.DbSchema=community ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbNameOnZos: ### If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote ### WebSphere Portal Community domain database. ### If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. community.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 ### DataSourceName: The name of datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal ### Community domain community.DataSourceName=wpdbDS ### DbUrl: The wp community domain database URL community.DbUrl=jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true ### DbUser: The database administrator user ID community.DbUser=db2admin ### DbPassword: The database administrator password community.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### DBA user for privledged access operations during creation of this database type community.DBA.DbUser=db2admin ### DBA password for privledged access operations during creation of this database type community.DBA.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDBAPwd ### This is the root location for the database. ### ** For Oracle this is the location on the remote or local machine for create the tablespaces ### ** For SQLServer this is the location locally to store the database files ### **NOTE** SQLServer Windows Only: This path must use \\ instead of / ### **NOTE** SQLServer Only: <instance> in the path below may or may not be there in your installation. ### Oracle: { <oracle>/product/10.1.0/db_1 } ### SQLServer: { C:\\Microsoft SQL Server\\<instance>\\MSSQL } ### Used to specify the location (remote or locally) to create the tablespaces for Oracle community.DbHome=ReplaceWithYourDbHomeDir ### **Required for SQL Server only** ### The sqlserver URL without a database attached. This is used to connect to SQL Server for DBA operations ### *NOTE* See examples at the top of this section community.AdminUrl=ReplaceWithYourAdminUrl ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 ** ### **Required only for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver ### XDbName: The community database alias that needs to be set if you want to call ### create-database community.XDbName=wps6TCP ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 ** ### DbNode: This value is the node for the WebSphere Portal Community domain ### database and needs to be set if you want to call create-database community.DbNode=wpsNode ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbStorageGroup: The storage group for the WebSphere Portal community database community.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVolumes: The volumes for the WebSphere Portal community database community.DbVolumes=* ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVcat: The VCAT for the WebSphere Portal community database community.DbVcat=DSN810 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbIndex4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal community database ### This bufferpool is dedicated for the indices. community.DbIndex4KBufferPoolName=BP3 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal community database community.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP2 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db32KBufferPoolName: The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal community database community.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### TablespaceTrackMod: Sets the TRACKMOD attribute of all tablespaces to the specified value. ### Refer to the DB2 for z/OS documentation about attribute TRACKMOD before ### changing this value. ### Valid values are YES and NO. community.TablespaceTrackMod=YES ### DbType: The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal Community domain source.community.DbType=derby ### DbName: The name of the WebSphere Portal Community domain database ### This value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl ### Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. This value is the TCPIP ### Alias for the database. source.community.DbName=wpsdb ### DbSchema: The WebSphere Portal Community domain database schema name ### Follow the documentation of the target database management system ### in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for ### some database management systems. source.community.DbSchema=community ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbNameOnZos: ### If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote ### WebSphere Portal Community domain database. ### If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. source.community.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 ### DataSourceName: The name of datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal ### Community domain source.community.DataSourceName=wpdbDS ### DbUrl: The wp community domain database URL source.community.DbUrl=jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true ### DbUser: The database administrator user ID source.community.DbUser=db2admin ### DbPassword: The database administrator password source.community.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** ### **Required only for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver ### XDbName: The community database alias that needs to be set if you want to call ### create-database source.community.XDbName=wps6TCP ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** ### DbNode: This value is the node for the WebSphere Portal Community domain ### database and needs to be set if you want to call create-database source.community.DbNode=wpsNode ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbStorageGroup: The storage group for the WebSphere Portal community database source.community.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVolumes: The volumes for the WebSphere Portal community database source.community.DbVolumes=* ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVcat: The VCAT for the WebSphere Portal community database source.community.DbVcat=DSN810 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbIndex4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal community database ### This bufferpool is dedicated for the indices. source.community.DbIndex4KBufferPoolName=BP3 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal community database source.community.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP2 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db32KBufferPoolName: The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal community database source.community.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K ### ### END: Community Database Properties ### ### ### Customization Database Properties ### ### DbType: The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal Customization ### domain customization.DbType=derby ### DbName: The name of the WebSphere Portal Customization domain database ### This value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl ### Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. This value is the TCPIP ### Alias for the database. customization.DbName=wpsdb ### DbSchema: The WebSphere Portal Customization domain database schema name ### Follow the documentation of the target database management system ### in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for ### some database management systems. customization.DbSchema=customization ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbNameOnZos: ### If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote ### WebSphere Portal Customization domain database. ### If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. customization.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 ### DataSourceName: The name of datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal ### Customization domain customization.DataSourceName=wpdbDS ### DbUrl: The wp customization domain database URL customization.DbUrl=jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true ### DbUser: The database administrator user ID customization.DbUser=db2admin ### DbPassword: The database administrator password customization.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### DBA user for privledged access operations during creation of this database type customization.DBA.DbUser=db2admin ### DBA password for privledged access operations during creation of this database type customization.DBA.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDBAPwd ### This is the root location for the database. ### ** For Oracle this is the location on the remote or local machine for create the tablespaces ### ** For SQLServer this is the location locally to store the database files ### **NOTE** SQLServer Windows Only: This path must use \\ instead of / ### **NOTE** SQLServer Only: <instance> in the path below may or may not be there in your installation. ### Oracle: { <oracle>/product/10.1.0/db_1 } ### SQLServer: { C:\\Microsoft SQL Server\\<instance>\\MSSQL } ### Used to specify the location (remote or locally) to create the tablespaces for Oracle customization.DbHome=ReplaceWithYourDbHomeDir ### **Required for SQL Server only** ### The sqlserver URL without a database attached. This is used to connect to SQL Server for DBA operations ### *NOTE* See examples at the top of this section customization.AdminUrl=ReplaceWithYourAdminUrl ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 ** ### **Required only for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver ### XDbName: The customization database alias that needs to be set if you want to call ### create-database customization.XDbName=wps6TCP ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 ** ### DbNode: This value is the node for the WebSphere Portal Customization domain ### database and needs to be set if you want to call create-database customization.DbNode=wpsNode ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbStorageGroup: The storage group for the WebSphere Portal customization database customization.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVolumes: The volumes for the WebSphere Portal customization database customization.DbVolumes=* ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVcat: The VCAT for the WebSphere Portal customization database customization.DbVcat=DSN810 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbIndex4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal customization database ### This bufferpool is dedicated for the indices. customization.DbIndex4KBufferPoolName=BP3 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal customization database customization.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP2 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db32KBufferPoolName: The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal customization database customization.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### TablespaceTrackMod: Sets the TRACKMOD attribute of all tablespaces to the specified value. ### Refer to the DB2 for z/OS documentation about attribute TRACKMOD before ### changing this value. ### Valid values are YES and NO. customization.TablespaceTrackMod=YES ### DbType: The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal Customization ### domain source.customization.DbType=derby ### DbName: The name of the WebSphere Portal Customization domain database ### This value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl ### Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. This value is the TCPIP ### Alias for the database. source.customization.DbName=wpsdb ### DbSchema: The WebSphere Portal Customization domain database schema name ### Follow the documentation of the target database management system ### in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for ### some database management systems. source.customization.DbSchema=customization ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbNameOnZos: ### If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote ### WebSphere Portal Customization domain database. ### If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. source.customization.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 ### DataSourceName: The name of datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal ### Customization domain source.customization.DataSourceName=wpdbDS ### DbUrl: The wp customization domain database URL source.customization.DbUrl=jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true ### DbUser: The database administrator user ID source.customization.DbUser=db2admin ### DbPassword: The database administrator password source.customization.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** ### **Required only for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver ### XDbName: The customization database alias that needs to be set if you want to call ### create-database source.customization.XDbName=wps6TCP ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** ### DbNode: This value is the node for the WebSphere Portal Customization domain ### database and needs to be set if you want to call create-database source.customization.DbNode=wpsNode ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbStorageGroup: The storage group for the WebSphere Portal customization database source.customization.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVolumes: The volumes for the WebSphere Portal customization database source.customization.DbVolumes=* ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVcat: The VCAT for the WebSphere Portal customization database source.customization.DbVcat=DSN810 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbIndex4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal customization database ### This bufferpool is dedicated for the indices. source.customization.DbIndex4KBufferPoolName=BP3 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal customization database source.customization.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP2 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db32KBufferPoolName: The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal customization database source.customization.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K ### ### END: Customization Database Properties ### ### ### JCR Database Properties ### ### DbType: The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal JCR domain jcr.DbType=derby ### DbName: The name of the WebSphere Portal JCR domain database ### This value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl ### Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. This value is the TCPIP Alias ### for the database. jcr.DbName=wpsdb ### DbSchema: The WebSphere Portal JCR domain database schema name ### Follow the documentation of the target database management system ### in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for ### some database management systems. jcr.DbSchema=jcr ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbNameOnZos: ### If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote ### WebSphere Portal JCR domain database. ### If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. jcr.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 ### DataSourceName: The name of datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal JCR domain jcr.DataSourceName=wpdbDS ### DbUrl: The wp JCR domain database URL jcr.DbUrl=jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true ### DbUser: The database administrator user ID jcr.DbUser=db2admin ### DbPassword: The database administrator password jcr.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### DBA user for privledged access operations during creation of this database type jcr.DBA.DbUser=db2admin ### DBA password for privledged access operations during creation of this database type jcr.DBA.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDBAPwd ### This is the root location for the database. ### ** For Oracle this is the location on the remote or local machine for create the tablespaces ### ** For SQLServer this is the location locally to store the database files ### **NOTE** SQLServer Windows Only: This path must use \\ instead of / ### **NOTE** SQLServer Only: <instance> in the path below may or may not be there in your installation. ### Oracle: { <oracle>/product/10.1.0/db_1 } ### SQLServer: { C:\\Microsoft SQL Server\\<instance>\\MSSQL } ### Used to specify the location (remote or locally) to create the tablespaces for Oracle jcr.DbHome=ReplaceWithYourDbHomeDir ### **Required for SQL Server only** ### The sqlserver URL without a database attached. This is used to connect to SQL Server for DBA operations ### *NOTE* See examples at the top of this section jcr.AdminUrl=ReplaceWithYourAdminUrl ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 ** ### **Required only for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver ### XDbName: The JCR database alias that needs to be set if you want to call ### create-database jcr.XDbName=wps6TCP ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 ** ### DbNode: This value is the node for the WebSphere Portal JCR domain database ### and needs to be set if you want to call create-database jcr.DbNode=wpsNode ### **Optional for MS SQL Server 2005** ### jcr.DbSaPassword: The SQL Server System Administrator password jcr.DbSaPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### ** Required for DB2 for z/OS ** ### jcr.DbHost: Hostname (only) of remote system hosting the DB2 Content Manager Runtime ### Edition database jcr.DbHost=ReplaceWithYourDbHost ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS ** ### jcr.DbDomain: Domain (not including hostname) of remote system hosting the DB2 Content ### Manager Runtime Edition database jcr.DbDomain=yourco.com ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS ** ### jcr.DbPort: Port number of DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database on the remote system jcr.DbPort=446 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### jcr.ZosDbPrefix: Common prefix of Node Type database names for DB2 Content Manager ### Runtime Edition ### Refer to Database Transfer instructions in the InfoCenter for details. jcr.ZosDbPrefix=ICM ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### jcr.ZosDbMaxTables: Maximum number of User Defined Tables to be stored in a ### particular Node Type DB in the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database ### Refer to Database Transfer instructions in the InfoCenter for details. jcr.ZosDbMaxTables=400 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbStorageGroup: The storage group for the WebSphere Portal jcr database jcr.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVolumes: The volumes for the WebSphere Portal jcr database jcr.DbVolumes=* ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVcat: The VCAT for the WebSphere Portal jcr database jcr.DbVcat=DSN810 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbIndex4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal jcr database ### This bufferpool is dedicated for the indices. jcr.DbIndex4KBufferPoolName=BP3 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal jcr database jcr.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP2 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db32KBufferPoolName: The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal jcr database jcr.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### TablespaceTrackMod: Sets the TRACKMOD attribute of all tablespaces to the specified value. ### Refer to the DB2 for z/OS documentation about attribute TRACKMOD before ### changing this value. ### Valid values are YES and NO. jcr.TablespaceTrackMod=YES ### DbType: The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal JCR domain source.jcr.DbType=derby ### DbName: The name of the WebSphere Portal JCR domain database ### This value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl ### Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. This value is the TCPIP Alias ### for the database. source.jcr.DbName=wpsdb ### DbSchema: The WebSphere Portal JCR domain database schema name ### Follow the documentation of the target database management system ### in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for ### some database management systems. source.jcr.DbSchema=jcr ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbNameOnZos: ### If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote ### WebSphere Portal JCR domain database. ### If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. source.jcr.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 ### DataSourceName: The name of datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal JCR domain source.jcr.DataSourceName=wpdbDS ### DbUrl: The wp JCR domain database URL source.jcr.DbUrl=jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true ### DbUser: The database administrator user ID source.jcr.DbUser=db2admin ### DbPassword: The database administrator password source.jcr.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** ### **Required only for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver ### XDbName: The JCR database alias that needs to be set if you want to call ### create-database source.jcr.XDbName=wps6TCP ### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** ### DbNode: This value is the node for the WebSphere Portal JCR domain database ### and needs to be set if you want to call create-database source.jcr.DbNode=wpsNode ### **Optional for MS SQL Server 2005** ### jcr.DbSaPassword: The SQL Server System Administrator password source.jcr.DbSaPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### jcr.DbHost: Hostname (only) of remote system hosting the DB2 Content Manager Runtime ### Edition database source.jcr.DbHost=hostname ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### jcr.DbDomain: Domain (not including hostname) of remote system hosting the DB2 Content ### Manager Runtime Edition database source.jcr.DbDomain=yourco.com ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### jcr.DbPort: Port number of DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database on the ### remote system (required for Driver Type 4 only) source.jcr.DbPort=446 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### jcr.ZosDbPrefix: Common prefix of Node Type database names for DB2 Content Manager ### Runtime Edition ### Refer to Database Transfer instructions in the InfoCenter for details. source.jcr.ZosDbPrefix=ICM ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### jcr.ZosDbMaxTables: Maximum number of User Defined Tables to be stored in a ### particular Node Type DB in the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database ### Refer to Database Transfer instructions in the InfoCenter for details. source.jcr.ZosDbMaxTables=400 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbStorageGroup: The storage group for the WebSphere Portal jcr database source.jcr.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVolumes: The volumes for the WebSphere Portal jcr database source.jcr.DbVolumes=* ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbVcat: The VCAT for the WebSphere Portal jcr database source.jcr.DbVcat=DSN810 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### DbIndex4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal jcr database ### This bufferpool is dedicated for the indices. source.jcr.DbIndex4KBufferPoolName=BP3 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal jcr database source.jcr.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP2 ### **Required for DB2 for z/OS only** ### Db32KBufferPoolName: The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal jcr database source.jcr.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K ### ### END: JCR Database Properties ### ### END WP.DB.IMPL PROPERTIES ### ### BEGIN WP.AC.IMPL PROPERTIES ### ### ### WP.AC.IMPL loaded from: ### ### /usr/IBM/WPTL61/PortalServer/base/wp.ac.impl/wp.ac.impl.properties ### ### Advanced Security Configuration using External Security Managers ### ### ### ### Namespace management parameers common to TAM and SiteMinder ### ### ### (Optional) You can set different "contexts" to further distinguish externalized Portal ### role names from other role names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. This context ### information will be added to the namespace entry created upon role externalization. ### If any of the 3 context values are null, none will be used. wp.ac.impl.EACserverName=WebSphere_Portal wp.ac.impl.EACcellName= wp.ac.impl.EACappName=wps ### Description: this field will allow you to either have your externalized Portal ### rolenames displayed with the resource type first, or the role types first. ### For example, if you make this variable "true", your TAM namespace or SiteMinder protected resource ### would look similair to ### /WPv61/wps.CONTENT_NODE/Welcome_Page/10_2E@Aministrator/app/server/cell ### /WPv61/wps.CONTENT_NODE/Welcome_Page/10_2E@Editor/app/server/cell ### /WPv61/wps.CONTENT_NODE/Administration/15_AF@Aministrator/app/server/cell ### /WPv61/wps.PORTLET_APPLICATION/Welcome_Portlet/09_2Q@Aministrator/app/server/cell ### /WPv61/wps.PORTLET_APPLICATION/Welcome_Portlet/09_2Q@User/app/server/cell ### ### and if you make the variable "false", your TAM namespace or SiteMinder protected resource ### would look similair to: ### /WPv61/Aministrator@wps.CONTENT_NODE/Welcome_Page/10_2E/app/server/cell ### /WPv61/Administrator@wps.CONTENT_NODE/Administration/15_AF/app/server/cell ### /WPv61/Administrator@wps.PORTLET_APPLICATION/Welcome_Portlet/09_2Q/app/server/cell ### /WPv61/Editor@wps.CONTENT_NODE/Welcome_Page/10_2E/app/server/cell ### /WPv61/User@wps.PORTLET_APPLICATION/Welcome_Portlet/09_2Q/app/server/cell wp.ac.impl.reorderRoles=false ### ### ### Tivoli Access Manager ### ### ### ### AMJRTE connection parameteres ### #An administratitive user ID for TAM. This user should have the access to create new TAM servers, #new Tivoli protected objectspaces, and new Tivoli protected objects wp.ac.impl.PDAdminId=sec_master #The password for the administrative TAM user wp.ac.impl.PDAdminPwd=ReplaceWithYourTAMAdminPwd #The location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file. This properties file is created by the TAM SvrSslCfg #command and contains information such as: # Policy Server hostname, ports ### version of AMJRTE ### path to encryption keys. wp.ac.impl.PDPermPath=${java.home}/PdPerm.properties ### ### SvrSslCfg command parameters ### ### Unique application name. This name will be used to create a new Tivoli server in the ### Access Manager Policy Server. This server will appears in the pdadmin server list ### after running the SvrSslCfg command. If a server with the same name appears in the ### server list command, the SvrSslCfg command will fail. wp.ac.impl.PDServerName=amwp6 ### Configuration port for the application name. This paramter is currently ignored by the ### SvrSslCfg command wp.ac.impl.SvrSslCfgPort=7223 ### Configuration mode of the SvrSslCfg command. Currently, the only valid value is remote wp.ac.impl.SvrSslCfgMode=remote ### Defines the TAM Policy Server used when running PDJrteCfg wp.ac.impl.TamHost=your.TAM.Policy.Server.hostname ### Defines a hostname, port, and priority combinations for your TAM Policy servers ### used when running SvrSslCfg. ### The format of this property is host:port:priority. For example, hosta.ibm.com:7135:1 ### or host1.ibm.com:7135:1, hostb.7135:2 wp.ac.impl.PDPolicyServerList=your.TAM.Policy.Server.hostname:7135:1 ### Defines a hostname, port, and priority combination for your TAM authorization servers. ### The format of this property is host:port:priority. For example, hosta.ibm.com:7136:1 wp.ac.impl.PDAuthzServerList=your.TAM.Authorization.Server.hostname:7136:1 ### Stores encryption keys used for the SSL communication between AMJRTE and Tivoli ### Access manager. This file is generated as a result of the SvrSslCfg command. wp.ac.impl.PDKeyPath=${java.home}/lib/security/pdperm.ks ### ### WebSEAL junction parameters ### #The type of junction to be created in TAM. Accepted values are tcp and ssl wp.ac.impl.JunctionType=tcp #The WebSEAL junction point to the WebSphere Portal instance #In order to create a valid TAM junction, this property must begin #with a / character wp.ac.impl.JunctionPoint=/wpsv61 ### Which WebSEAL instance to create the junction. You can view the different WebSEAL ### instances by issuing a server list from the pdadmin> command line wp.ac.impl.WebSealInstance=instance-webseald-yourhost.com ### The headers inserted by WebSEAL that the TAI uses to identify the request as originating from WebSEAL. ### ### Note #1: Inclusion of these headers is associated with the headers used by ### the WebSphere Application Server TAI to identify the request as one from WebSEAL. ### ### Note #2: If you are configuring Portal to use TAM as an external authorization engine, ### include at least the iv-user and iv-creds headers wp.ac.impl.TAICreds=iv-user,iv-creds #The backend server hostname to supply to the junction create command wp.ac.impl.JunctionHost=${WpsHostName} #The backend server port to supply to the junction create command wp.ac.impl.JunctionPort=${WpsHostPort} ### ### WAS WebSEAL TAI parameters ### ### Optional parameter that sets the WebSEAL TAI's hostnames parameter. You should include ### the hostname you provided when configuring the WebSEAL instance. Please consider ### the following: ### * this value is case-sensitive ### * this value may be a comma delimited list if more than one hostname is provided ### * the default behavior when configuring a WebSEAL instance is to use the network ### short name. For example, hosta.setgetweb.com may be represented as hosta ### when the WebSEAL instance is configured ### * if any additional proxies are included, their hostnames must be added as well ### Presence of a this parameters will cause the TAI to evaluate the VIA header and only ### handle those requests that contain one of the provided hostname, and port combinations wp.ac.impl.hostnames= ### Optional parameter that sets the WebSEAL TAI's ports parameter. You should include ### the WebSEAL ports in this comma delimited list. The default WebSEAL port is 443 ### ### Presence of a this parameters will #cause the TAI to evaluate the VIA header and only ### handle those requests that contain one of the provided hostname, and port combinations wp.ac.impl.ports= ### When you create a TCP junction, this is WebSEAL identity representing the reverse proxy ### on every request. WebSphere Application Server will use this identity to establish the ### "trust" that is required to validate the WebSEAL iv-* headers. The password for this user ### should be set in the WebSEAL instance's webseald.conf on the basicauth-dummy-passwd property. wp.ac.impl.loginId=wpsadmin ### When you create an SSL junction, this is the WebSEAL identity representing the reverse proxy ### on every request. WebSphere Application Server will use this identity to establish the "trust" ### that is required to validate the WebSEAL iv-* headers wp.ac.impl.BaUserName=wpsadmin ### When you create an SSL junction, you can provide a password to the identity representing ### the reverse proxy on every request. WebSphere Application Server will use this identity to ### establish the "trust" that is required to validate the WebSEAL iv-* headers wp.ac.impl.BaPassword=wpsadmin ### You can configure TAI so that the via header can be ignored when validating trust ### for a request. Set this property to false if none of the hosts in the via header ### need to be trusted. When set to false you do not need to set the trusted host names ### and host ports properties. The only mandatory property to check when via header is ### false is com.ibm.websphere.security.webseal.loginId. The default value of the check via header property is false. wp.ac.impl.checkViaHeader=false ### A positive integer that specifies the number of source hosts in the via header to ### check for trust. By default, every host in the via header is checked, and if any host ### is not trusted, trust cannot be established. The via depth property is used when only ### some of the hosts in the via header have to be trusted. The setting indicates the ### number of hosts that are required to be trusted. wp.ac.impl.viaDepth=0 ### After trust is established for a request, the single sign-on user password is ### cached, eliminating the need to have the TAI re-authenticate the single sign-on ### user with Tivoli Access Manager for every request. You can modify the cache ### timeout period by setting the single sign-on password expiry property to the ### required time in seconds. If the password expiry property is set to 0, the cached ### password never expires. The default value for the password expiry property is 600. wp.ac.impl.ssoPwdExpiry=600 ### This property can be used to tell the TAI to ignore proxies as trusted hosts. If ### set to true the comments field of the hosts entry in the via header is checked to ### determine if a host is a proxy. Remember that not all proxies insert comments in ### the via header indicating that they are proxies. The default value of the ### ignoreProxy property is false. If the checkViaHeader property is set to false ### then the ignoreProxy property has no influence in establishing trust. wp.ac.impl.ignoreProxy=false ### ### Portal authorization paramters ### ### Root objectspace entry in the TAM namespace. All Portal roles will be installed under this objectspace entry. wp.ac.impl.PDRoot=/WPv61 ### When the Tivoli Access Manager external authorization plugin is started, it will detect and, if necessary, ### create a custom action in Tivoli Access Manager. The combination of the action group and the action determines ### the TAM permission string required to assign membership to externalized Portal roles. wp.ac.impl.PDAction=m ### When the Tivoli Access Manager external authorization plugin is started, it will detect and, if necessary, ### create a custom action group in Tivoli Access Manager. The combination of the action group and the action ### determines the TAM permission string required to assign membership to externalized Portal roles. wp.ac.impl.PDActionGroup=[WP61] ### When Portal externalizes a role, it can automatically create and attach a TAM ACL granting membership ### to the user doing the role. If you select No,the TAM administrator will be responsible for creating TAM ### ACLs to allow access to Portal roles wp.ac.impl.PDCreateAcl=true ### ### Portal vault paramters ### #New vault type identifier representing the Tivoli GSO lockbox vault. The value can be any string wp.ac.impl.vaultType=AccessManager ### Defines a properties file to be used to configure the vault with TAM specific user and SSL connection ### information. This file will automatically be created in the <WP_ROOT>/shared/app/config subdirectory ### and populated by the ant task based on previous task execution. wp.ac.impl.vaultProperties=accessmanagervault.properties ### Determines if the portal credential vault or any custom portlet is allowed to create new ### resource objects in TAM. If you select false, your Tivoli administrator must define the accessible \ ### resources to associate users with using the Tivoli command line or GUI wp.ac.impl.manageResources=true ### Determines if the portal credential vault or any custom portlet is allowed to modify the ### secrets stored in TAM. If you select "Read Only", the Tivoli administrator must change ### the credentials associated with resources using the Tivoli command line or GUI. wp.ac.impl.readOnly=false ### ### Tivoli Access Manager - End ### ### ### ### Netegrity SiteMinder ### ### ### ### Portal/SiteMinder authorization paramteres ### #SiteMinder Domain containing all externalized portal resources wp.ac.impl.SMDomain=WebSphere Portal v61 ### SiteMinder Authentication scheme object name to use when creating realms wp.ac.impl.SMScheme=Basic ### The SiteMinder custom or 4.x web agent created to allow communication between ### WebSphere Portal and SiteMinder wp.ac.impl.SMAgent=ReplaceWithYourSiteMinderAgentName ### Password for SiteMinder agent wp.ac.impl.SMAgentPwd=ReplaceWithYourSiteMinderAgentPwd ### An externalized portal resource is assigned to a SiteMinder custom agent for ### SiteMinder isProtected and isAuthorized calls. In a non-cluster, the agent specified ### in the wp.ac.impl.SMAgent parameter is used. However, in a cluster, a common SiteMinder ### Agent Group must be specified to be assigned to the resource. wp.ac.impl.SMAgentGroup= ### SiteMinder administrator. This administrator must have a scope of System, as new ### SiteMinder domains and realms will be created. In addition, creation of the realms ### representing Portal roles, reference to the webagent, which also requires System scope wp.ac.impl.SMAdminId=siteminder #Password for SiteMinder administrative user wp.ac.impl.SMAdminPwd=ReplaceWithYourSiteMinderAdminPwd ### SiteMinder User Directory object referencing the LDAP server used for Portal users and groups wp.ac.impl.SMUserDir=ReplaceWithYourSiteMinderUserDirectoryObject ### Failover mode of Siteminder Policy Server. SMFailover must be set to true if more ### than 1 policy server is listed in the SMServers property below wp.ac.impl.SMFailover=false ### Comma delimited list of server for SiteMinder agent ### Important: If your Policy Servers are listening on non default ports (ie. not 44441,44442,44443), ### add the port property for each policy server manually in the ExternalAccessControlService.properties wp.ac.impl.SMServers=your.Policy.Server.ipaddress ### ### Netegrity SiteMinder - End ### ### END WP.AC.IMPL PROPERTIES ### ### BEGIN WP.EAR PROPERTIES ### ### ### WP.EAR loaded from: ### ### /usr/IBM/WPTL61/PortalServer/installer/wp.ear/wp.ear.properties ### WpsDefaultHome: The WebSphere Portal default home ### For example: http://<WpsHostName>:<WpsHostPort>/<WpsContextRoot>/<WpsDefaultHome> ### For example "portal" in the URL: http://localhost:80/wps/portal WpsDefaultHome=portal ### WpsPersonalizedHome: The WebSphere Portal personalized home ### For example: http://<WpsHostName>:<WpsHostPort>/<WpsContextRoot>/<WpsPersonalizedHome> ### For example "myportal" in the URL: http://localhost:80/wps/myportal WpsPersonalizedHome=myportal ### END WP.EAR PROPERTIES ### ### BEGIN WP.XML.CLIENT PROPERTIES ### ### ### WP.XML.CLIENT loaded from: ### ### /usr/IBM/WPTL61/PortalServer/base/wp.xml.client/wp.xml.client.properties ### ### XMLAccess properties ### ### XmlAccessHost: The name of the local WebSphere Portal host ### Should not be necessary to modify XmlAccessHost=localhost ### XmlAccessPort: The port used by the XMLAccess configuration task to connect the XMLAccess server ### This property may not be used to reconfigure the XmlAccessPort port. ### The value is set by the basic configuration task of WebSphere Portal . XmlAccessPort=10040 ### XmlAccessProtocol: The protocol used to connect to the XMLAccess server ### Can be set to 'http' or 'https' depending on security configuration XmlAccessProtocol=http ### END WP.XML.CLIENT PROPERTIES ### ### BEGIN WP.SITEM.CMD PROPERTIES ### ### ### WP.SITEM.CMD loaded from: ### ### /usr/IBM/WPTL61/PortalServer/base/wp.sitem.cmd/wp.sitem.cmd.properties ### ### Basic Auth TAI settings ### ### Whether the Basic Auth TAI is enabled wp.sitem.cmd.BasicAuthEnabled=true ### HTTP basic authentication realm for TAI wp.sitem.cmd.BasicAuthRealm=WPS ### Whether lists use regular expressions wp.sitem.cmd.BasicAuthUseRegExp=false ### Target to execute to populate the Subject with portal ### specific Principals when logging on via the TAI wp.sitem.cmd.BasicAuthLoginTarget=Portal_LTPA ### List of user agents to not allow wp.sitem.cmd.BasicAuthUserAgentBlackList=AllAgentsAllowed ### List of user agents to allow tto use the basic auth TAI wp.sitem.cmd.BasicAuthUserAgentWhiteList=NoAgentSpecified ### List of URIs this TAI will never handle wp.sitem.cmd.BasicAuthUrlBlackList=/${WpsContextRoot}/myportal* ### List of URIs that this TAI will handle wp.sitem.cmd.BasicAuthUrlWhiteList=/${WpsContextRoot}/mycontenthandler* ### END WP.SITEM.CMD PROPERTIES ### ### BEGIN WP.PROCESSINTEGRATION.CONFIG PROPERTIES ### ### ### WP.PROCESSINTEGRATION.CONFIG loaded from: ### ### /usr/IBM/WPTL61/PortalServer/installer/wp.processintegration.config/wp.processintegration.config.properties ### IsCrossCell: Set this value to true if the WebSphere Process Server ### installation to which WebSphere Portal should be connected to is located ### in another cell. Set the value to false otherwise. pi.IsCrossCell= true ### Process Server Host Address: Set the address of the WebSphere Process Server ### to use. ### Set this value only if IsCrossCell is set to true. pi.ProcessServerHostAddress= ### Process Server Bootstrap Port: Set the Bootstrap port of the WebSphere Process ### Server to use. ### Set this value only if IsCrossCell is set to true. pi.ProcessServerBootstrapPort= ### ProcessArtifactsLocation: Set the diretory in which the process artifacts are located. ### Set this value only if IsCrossCell is set to true. pi.ProcessArtifactsLocation= ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/processArtifacts ### IsWPSCluster: Set this value to true if WebSphere Portal should be connected ### to a WebSphere Process Server cluster in the same cell. Set the value to false ### otherwise. ### Set this value only if IsCrossCell is set to false. pi.IsWPSCluster= ### ClusterName: Set the name of the WebSphere Process Server cluster. ### Set this value only if IsCrossCell is set to false and IsWPSCluster is set ### to true. pi.ClusterName= ### NodeName: Set the name of the node of the WebSphere Process Server server. ### Set this value only if IsCrossCell is set to false and IsWPSCluster is set ### to false. pi.NodeName= ### ServerName: Set the name of the WebSphere Process Server server. ### Set this value only if IsCrossCell is set to false and IsWPSCluster is set ### to false. pi.ServerName= ### END WP.PROCESSINTEGRATION.CONFIG PROPERTIES ###