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Portal, V6.1


Assigning members to applications

The membership component of an application lists and categorizes the names of application members by their roles. Both individuals and groups can be members of an application.

Applications typically provide at least two default roles, which are defined by the application template: the Administrator role provides manager access and the User role provides user access. Users assigned to a role that provides manager access to the application can edit the application and manage its membership. Users assigned to a role that provides user access to the application can view others members and work with the components of the application according to the access levels provided by each component.

If you have the appropriate access, you can manage the membership of the application by clicking Actions > Manage Members.

To work with the members of an application, you can perform several actions, depending on your role. If you are assigned a role that provides user access, not all actions will be available to you.


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Work with instances of composite applications


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Manage application roles

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Manage application members

View members

From the Show list, you can filter the display of the member list.


Adding members to an application

If you have the appropriate access, you can add individuals and groups to the member list of the application.

  1. Click Add.

  2. In the list of roles, click the name of a role to which you want to assign members.

  3. In the Directory Search: Find People and Groups window, search for and add the names of individuals and groups whom you want to be members of the application.

  4. Click OK. A confirmation message identifies the number of people who have been added with the selected membership role.

  5. If you have chosen to add members by clicking Actions > Manage Members, click Done to return to Members.

Change the owner of an application

You must be the owner of an application to transfer ownership to someone else.

  1. Click Actions > Change Owner.

  2. In the Member List: Change Owner window, search for and add the name of the person whom you want to be the new owner of the application.

  3. Click OK.

Canceling your membership to an application

If you are explicitly listed as an individual member of an application, you can cancel your membership. Each application must have an owner and at least one manager. Therefore, you cannot cancel your membership to an application if you are the owner or the only member remaining in a role that provides manager access to the application. For many applications, the default role that provides manager access is Administrator.

After you cancel your membership, you can no longer see and work with the application. If you cancel your membership to an application that allows public access, you will still be able to see and work with that application. If you cancel your membership to an application for which you are listed as an individual member and as a member of a group, only your individual membership is canceled; your membership to the application as part of the group is not canceled. Therefore, you will still see applications for which you are a member as part of a group in the My Applications view of the applications catalog.

  1. From Actions, click Cancel My Membership.

  2. When you are prompted to confirm your membership cancellation, click OK.


Making applications public

By default, applications are restricted to members, the individuals and groups who appear on the member list of the application. If you have the appropriate access, you can give access to the application to all authenticated users; this makes the application public.

Public applications are available to all authenticated users, both members and nonmembers. When you make an application public, you choose a non-manager role to assign to all authenticated users.

  1. Click Actions > Give All Users Access as: role. The roles that are available for selection provide user, or non-manager, access to the application. Select the role that you want to be assigned to all authenticated users.

  2. Click OK to confirm the action.

  3. To restore application access to members only, click Actions > Restrict Access to Member List.

After you make an application public, users will see it listed in the applications catalog when the catalog is filtered to show Public Applications. Public applications are also listed with the applications to which users belong as members when they filter the applications catalog to show All Applications. If the application catalog is configured to show Favorite Applications, then public applications that users have selected as favorites are also listed when they filter the applications catalog to show Favorite Applications.

Notifying new members

Use the Actions menu to enable or disable e-mail notifications to new application members. You must have administrator or application manager permission to set new member notification.

If you are an administrator or an application manager, you can choose to send e-mail notifications after you add members to an application. These e-mail notifications invite members to join the application.