Interface Membership

public interface Membership

Membership is one of the Composite Application Infrastructure Extensions Interfaces, implemented by an pluggable extension. * Membership is used to notify an extension whenever members (people or groups) are added to or removed from the roles defined for the application. The extension can use this information e.g. to send notifications, etc.

The extension must implement the extension point with the id

The corresponding plugin.xml could look like this:


Field Summary
static java.lang.String EXTENSION_POINT
          Name of the Membership extension point
Method Summary
 void memberAdded(java.lang.String appGUID, ListModel principals, java.lang.String roleID)
          Called when a member (user or group) is added to a community role in the application.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String EXTENSION_POINT
Name of the Membership extension point

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void memberAdded(java.lang.String appGUID,
                 ListModel principals,
                 java.lang.String roleID)
Called when a member (user or group) is added to a community role in the application. The input parameters include the GUID of the application and the ObjectID of the added member and the role assigned to that member. * Additional information on the principal (e.g. the DN or display name) can be retrieved through the portal user management service and

appGUID - The application instance identifier, must not be null.
principals - A list of ObjectIDs identifying the new members of the application, must not be null.
roleID - The role identifier, must not be null.