Creating the rates.html page content (tables)
In this example we demonstrate how to add a static table containing interest rates using the Page Designer.
Open the rates.html file in Page Designer and select the Design tab.
Delete the Rates Page text.
Expand HTML Tags in the Palette.
Select and drag a Table from the Palette to the content area.
In the Insert Table dialog, enter 5 for Rows and 5 for Columns and also 5 for Padding inside cells, then click OK.
Resize the table as desired.
Enter the descriptions and rates (as seen in Figure | -24) into the table.
Select each heading text, and in the Properties view click the Bold icon .
Note: Additional table rows and columns can be added and deleted with the Table menu option.
Save the page.
Select the Preview tab and the page is displayed.
Figure 13-24 Preview the rates.html page