Creating a UML class diagram using the Class Diagram wizard
For our example we create a UML class diagram by doing the following steps:
Create a new folder for diagrams:
Right-click the src folder in the RAD75Java project in the Package Explorer and select New Æ Folder or New Æ Other Æ General Æ Folder.
For Folder name, type diagram and click Finish to create the folder.
Create an empty class diagram:
Right-click the diagram folder in the Enterprise Explorer and select New Æ Class Diagram or New Æ Other Æ Modeling Æ Class Diagram.
Type ITSOBank-ClassDiagram as the field name and click Finish.
Click OK to confirm enabling of Java Modeling.
The file ITSOBank-ClassDiagram.dnx appears in the diagram folder and opens in the Visualizer Class Diagram editor.
Notice that the Java Drawer is open in the Palette (Figure | 14). Application Developer automatically opens the Java Drawer by default for a Java project.
Figure 8-14 Visualizer Class Diagram editor with Java Drawer in the Palette
Note: You can also add already existing elements to a class diagram. Drag the element in the Package Explorer with the left mouse button and drop it in the class diagram by releasing the button.