
    jobspec -- Edit the job template

    p4 jobspec
    p4 jobspec -o
    p4 jobspec -i

	Jobspec edits the template that specifies the format of jobs.
	This format is used by p4 job when jobs are entered or updated,
	and by p4 jobs and p4 describe when jobs are displayed.

	Jobspec brings up a form with the following fields:

	   Fields:  A list of the fields maintained for each job, one
		    line per field.  Each line has five words: code, name,
		    data-type, len, and field-type.

		    'code' is a unique integer identifier for storing
			the data of the field.  Job codes must be between
			101 and 199.

		    'name' is the name of the field for the job.

		    'data-type' indicates the format of the field:

			word: a single word (any value)
			date: a date/time field
			select: one of a set of words
			line: a one-liner
			text: a block of text

		    'len' is the recommended character length of a
			display box for the field.  If 0, a text box is

		    'field-type' indicates how to handle the setting of
			the field:

			optional: no default, and not required to be present
			default: default provided, still not required
			required: default provided, value must be present
			once: set once to the default and never changed
			always: always reset to the default upon saving

	   Values:  A list of 'select' fields and the values those fields
		    can have.  Each line has two words: the field name and
		    the values list, with individual values separated by
		    '/' (no spaces).

	   Presets: A list of fields and their default values, for fields
		    whose 'setting' flag is other than 'optional'.  Each
		    line has two words: the field name and the default
		    value.  If the value has spaces, it must be enclosed
		    in double quotes.  The following special defaults are

			$user: the user entering the job
			$now: the current date
			$blank: the words ''

	   Comments: textual comments to be included at the top of each
		    job specification, to help the user fill out the form.
		    Each line must begin with the comment character '#'.

	Certain field codes have special significance:

	    code 101, required: the job name
	    code 102, optional: the job status
	    code 103, optional: the user who created the job
	    code 104, optional: the date the job was created
	    code 105, optional: the description

	    If there is a job status field (102), p4 submit and p4 fix
	    will set it to 'closed' for any jobs being fixed by the change.

	    Fields 102-105 are used by p4 describe and p4 jobs to
	    display a job summary.  Any missing fields simply will not
	    appear in the summary line.

	    If field 105 is present, it is assumed to be a description,
	    which is used by p4 change and p4 submit to annotate the
	    list of jobs to be fixed by the change being created.

	When updating the jobspec after jobs have been entered, certain
	limitations apply:

	    Data is stored according to its code.  Fields can be renamed
	    by keeping the same code. Removing a code can abandon the
	    associated data stored for the code.

	    Changing the definition of a code (e.g. from 'text' to 'word')
	    can require users to bring jobs into the new format as they
	    are edited.

	The -o flag causes the job template to be written to the standard
	output.  The user's editor is not invoked.

	The -i flag causes a job template to be read from the standard
	input.  The user's editor is not invoked.

	p4 jobspec' requires superuser access granted by p4 protect'.