
    fix -- Mark jobs as being fixed by a changelist number

    p4 fix [ -d ] [ -s status ] -c changelist# jobName ...

	'p4 fix' marks each named job as being fixed by the changelist
	number given with -c.  The changelist may be either pending or,
	submitted and the jobs may be still be opened or already closed
	(fixed by another changelist).

	If the changelist has already been submitted and the job is still
	open then 'p4 fix' marks the job closed.  If the changelist has not
	been submitted and the job is still open, the job will be marked
	closed when the changelist is submitted.  If the job is already
	closed, it is left alone.

	The -d flag causes the specified fixes to be deleted.  This does not
	otherwise affect the named changelist or jobs.

	The -s uses the given status instead of the default 'closed'.  This
	status is reported by p4 fixes and also reflected in the job's
	status (immediately if the changelist is committed; on submission
	if the changelist is pending).